𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈. escaping the fire

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022──── location. the forest.
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REESE OPENS HER EYES, meeting the tall thick trees which were unfamiliar. She hadn't expected them to be with the countless times she'd been in the forest, so she became weary.

She hears the gun go off a few times when she tries to move, only to find that her hands are tied as well as her feet, with a gag in her mouth.


This wasn't fate━━she hoped it wasn't━━but this is what she's been ready for, or what she had to be ready for. She'd only trained with weapons and was a really fast runner now, but no training included breaking out of cuffs. She'd always thought the Grounders were hand-to-hand combat with weapons━━but then she remembered Murphy, and she knew this couldn't be good at all.

Her heart starts to beat faster━━and she doesn't have time to register that she didn't hear the gunshots. They were her usual reminder that she was in danger but the beat was unfamiliar and confusing. The only thing it brought her back to was Bellamy's heartbeat against her ear in the weird comfort of his arms. It brought her comfort even now, but she had to remember it was her own. That's what she's been working up towards, she can't rely on other people.

Especially Bellamy.

But why was it so hard? Did she trust him? Yes, she trusted her friends.

Wow━━friends may have been a stretch.

She shook it off, her friends and Bellamy may have noticed she was gone. But for now, she had to help herself when no one else could. So, despite the gunshots she sadly hears again, she's shocked into the moment again, breathing heavily as she squirms and kicks to break━━what she realizes aren't chains━━but ropes━━loose.

But nothing much happened except for a now tired Reese Coldwell.

She wasn't panicking before, or maybe she was and hadn't noticed. Now, she knew what true fear felt like. It was the same knot in her stomach she felt seeing her dad enter her room every night, drunk. It was tighter than the knot the grounder tied on her wrists and ankles.

Because in the now dimly lit sky, where the sun had started to set, she heard loud footsteps━━similar to the ones she heard when she was in the outer perimeter of the camp with Bellamy. It made her realize her bow was gone. Either she dropped it and it was still where the grounder had knocked them out, or they had taken it.

Either way, she was sad about losing the gift, but it wasn't important right now, and the gun shut it off.

The footsteps grew louder and louder until she couldn't hear each pang in her cracked ribs.

Then, nothing.

A tall grounder, with big muscles and heavy clothes, had super greasy hair, and many scars on his face stood right above her. It made her feel weak and helpless. She didn't dare to even breathe.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄. bellamy blakeWhere stories live. Discover now