𝐗𝐈. three spaces

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011──── location. the cave.
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THE ANNOYING KID THAT everyone in that class basically knew, well━now that she thinks of it, maybe just to her. He was pretty quiet for the most part, Reese is just known to be a little dramatic on her part, sometimes.

Her first reaction was to wonder if she recognized any of the delinquents in that class, but after heavy consideration, with the voices screaming in her head, Bellamy's name was the only one to stand out, simply because of what he did and how she wrote it down.

That list was more of a joke, for her as a kid at least.

But━of what Reese remembers━he didn't show up anymore for whatever reason. She remembers being so relieved. However, only now does she acquire it because he had to take care of Octavia, who would have been just a baby at the time. She couldn't imagine what it would have been like to take care of one at such a young age when his mother wasn't around.

When she was younger, most of the kids from all the stations would gather for classes. Like the older ones had Medical, Engineering, and Earth Skills━that being one she soon hated when she had no idea what was in store for her.

And now she's here. Sitting in a cave while the night grew darker and later and━she didn't even know if it was night, though the small extra light in the cave was presumably because of that.

Though, as she sits there━she comes to the realization of what happened after her nightmare, and how she didn't need her notebook to calm her as her breathing and headache eased back to normal.

Instead, she had been looking at Charlotte and Blake.


She still isn't sure though, and just for safe measure, she opens her notebook to look through her drawings—and, instead of drawing something quickly in her notebook, she scoots quietly over to Bellamy, whose head was placed atop his left arm and extended out as his right was curled to his side. As she smirked evilly, she had the sudden idea to draw a moustache on his face before realizing she wasn't that mean and decided on a small flower on his arm, like the drawing he had seen in her book.

Take that sucker.

She didn't want to make Bellamy regret his surprising decision that Reese didn't know the cause of. Nevertheless, he shouldn't regret returning it because it was hers and should've been in her pocket since the moment they landed.

So, she shuffles quietly to the edge of the cave, slowly just in case of the remaining acid, but she's met with birds chirping happily, and grass grazed with wet due. The sun was almost in the sky as a cold breeze like many others from the days before━hit her skin almost as a reminder that there was a whole day ahead of her.

She runs back into the cave, almost hitting her head against the rock as she violently shakes Bellamy awake.

His eyes flutter open biliously, his face is free of fear and any emotion was replaced with confusion and strident. "What the he━"

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄. bellamy blakeWhere stories live. Discover now