February: Part Three

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Yunjin's alarm roused the girls from their peaceful sleep. She had set it half an hour earlier, knowing Chaewon would need time to wake up.

Unfortunately, Valentine's day had fallen on a Sunday, and thus, school was in session. Chaewon, worried about her scholarship status and GPA, was absolutely adamant that she'd be there. And Yunjin? Yunjin wasn't a fan of perfect attendance, but she'd follow Chaewon to the ends of the earth.

And so, the alarm blared on as she stirred, blindly removing one hand to slap at her phone until she silenced it, hearing a groan from beside her.

Chaewon's brown locks were splayed out on the pillow, her face burrowed in Yunjin's neck. Her hands were pressed against Yunjin's abs, allowing the athlete to effectively cradle her closely the entire night.

Yunjin smiled as Chaewon stirred, blinking away the haze in her bronze stare as she opened her eyes, adjusting to the light. She immediately saw Yunjin's face, and a smile stretched onto her features, as she slowly stretched her limbs, the sheet riding off her body, exposing her bare chest.

"Good morning." Yunjin whispered, leaning down to place an open kiss between Chaewon's breasts, smiling when the artist wrapped her arms around her, squeezing her in a tight hug.

"Morning." Chaewon murmured, stroking Yunjin's back gently. "I...can't believe I'm saying this, but...I don't want to go to school."

"Ah, so we've found your kryptonite, Chaewonnie." Yunjin smirked. "It's lovemaking."

Chaewon smiled, sighing contentedly against Yunjin's chest. "We have to get up, don't we?"

Yunjin nodded amusedly. "Unfortunately."

Chaewon took a breath, and then abruptly rolled off her side, moving to stand up. Immediately she rocked back on her heels, reaching for Yunjin's bedpost to steady herself, her legs feeling somewhat shaky.

"Whoa there, Bambi." Yunjin smirked, reaching out to steady Chaewon's waist.

"Oh my god." Chaewon mumbled, glancing up into the mirror across the room. Her body was littered with hickeys, ranging from her neck, to her collarbone, down the curve of her stomach, hipbone, and inner thighs. "Yunjin!"

Yunjin's smirk only grew as she stood, wrapping her arms around Chaewon from behind as she rested her head on Chaewon's shoulder, glancing at the both of them in the mirror. "I couldn't help it." She shrugged innocently. "I love you...the way you taste..." She pressed her lips to Chaewon's shoulder. "But, if it's any consolation...you got me, too."

Chaewon whipped around in Yunjin's arms to admire her handiwork. Yunjin bore similar markings, and Chaewon couldn't help the smirk that graced her plump lips.

"Hot, isn't it?" Yunjin teased, kissing Chaewon's forehead.

"I can't believe we did that." Chaewon mumbled with a sigh.

"Regrets?" Yunjin asked softly, hands gently rubbing Chaewon's skin.

"No, god no! More like...I can't believe we can't do that right now." Chaewon laughed and blushed, burying her face in Yunjin's neck.

"Well, Sunmi could always forgive us if we don't show." Yunjin teased in a sing-song voice.

"Oh, no doubt. I'm just not sure I could physically take it..." Chaewon chuckled, glancing towards her inner thigh.


"Uh...a lot." Chaewon grumbled. "Like, a lot, a lot."

Yunjin couldn't help the full smirk she bore, and Chaewon slapped her arm. "It's nothing to be proud of, damaging me like that."

Catch Me (Purinz/Chaewon x Yunjin)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang