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Yunjin was wracked with guilt. Every run in with Kim Chaewon left more of an insatiable hunger in the pit of her stomach that she knew all too well. She was, as torturous as it was to admit, developing feelings for Chaewon.

The same girl who'd challenged her on the first day of Sunmi's English class, and every second in between.

It was getting to an unbearable point.

She was constantly glancing at Chaewon, sharing soft smiles with the girl. She was in awe of how gentle she was with the children during their community service outings. She adored how much Eunchae seemed to love her.

She'd occasionally slip into the art room under the guise of visiting Minju, just to watch her at work.

Kim Chaewon was becoming a little like oxygen to Yunjin, and she was realizing she couldn't breathe comfortably without the other girl.

And then of course, were the less than appropriate thoughts.

Huh Yunjin prided herself on being an absolute gentlewoman, especially when it came to sexual matters.

Kim Chaewon found a way to ruin that as well.

Yunjin had found herself dreaming about the brunette, with her curious brown eyes and the adorable beauty mark on her cheek. She'd dreamt about her laugh, her smile, her voice.

She'd dreamt about kissing Chaewon until she was breathless, pinning her against the wall of her bedroom, where they'd almost shared a kiss.

She'd dreamt about Chaewon's husky voice and her soft whimpers as Yunjin showed her what it meant to be dating her.

It had gotten so bad, on one particular evening, where Minju's lips were trailing to the meeting of her thighs, she'd whimpered Chaewon's name, by accident. It was an honest mistake, a Freudian slip. Minju hadn't heard, but Yunjin was horrified.

Chaewon's touch, back at the haunted house event, had sent waves of what could only be described as electricity, charged with sexual tension, pulsing through Yunjin.

She knew what it meant.

She'd fallen out of love with Kim Minju, whom she still respected, admired, and loved even platonically.

She had to end things before she did something to endanger that relationship. And so, it was with a heavy heart that she and Minju planned to meet at the top of the bleachers, after school.

Neutral ground.

It was a symbolism of what was to come.

Long since Yunjin was born, her parents had been vacant during the most intense years of her adolescence. They'd missed a great portion of her middle and high school years, where she'd already developed, but needed the nurturing and love they were to offer.

They'd left her to fend for herself, in the care of Hyolyn and Daesung, they themselves gallivanting across the world in their business endeavors. Yunjin had vowed to ensure that she was always there for Eunchae, but their absence left her with a sense of abandonment.

Suffice it to say, goodbyes never came easily to Huh Yunjin.

She tugged her jacket a little tighter as she ascended up the final steps, sliding into her seat beside Minju, turning to greet her girlfriend.

"Hi." Yunjin sighed as Minju smiled softly at her, leaning forward to place a chaste kiss on her lips.

"Hey." Minju murmured, laying her head on Yunjin's shoulder as the captain's arms limply went around her.

These weren't mere formalities; the two girls had grown quite close. That was what Yunjin feared the most; the change that would come in her world after Minju left such a void in it.

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