A soft laugh escapes him. "You have my word. But you have to do your part, too."

"What does that mean?"

He slides off the desk. "You have to not think about me anymore. You have to not think about that night, and what we did, and what you were begging me to do to you. It's only fair to Matt, isn't it?"

I swallow as he walks closer, and I'm not even going to argue because everything he just said rings with truth.

"Can you forget about that night, Lia?"

"Already forgotten."

We both know that's a damn lie. But for Matt, and for this friendship, I will forget. Eventually.

"Good," Nate says, holding out his hand to shake. "To a clean slate. For real this time."

My hand slips into his and I take a controlled breath. They're only hands, it's only skin, it's only touching.

The bell rings outside. Muffled voices, muffled footsteps. Neither of us move. Maybe because when we let go, that's it. We'll leave this room and everything behind.

Nate's green gaze fixes on mine, one corner of his mouth creeping up. The pressure on my hand deepens as he draws me closer. "Lia," he murmurs, leaning in.

"Yeah?" My voice catches in the back of my throat. I can't bring myself to step away.

The air is so charged that our hair should be lifting with static. Our clothes should be prickling against our skin and giving us little pinches of electric shocks. I feel it in our hands: the waves and currents, ebbing and flowing like a lightning-struck ocean. Closer and closer, he's inches from my lips, almost grazing.

But then he swerves and his mouth is next to my ear. "You should probably get to class. I don't think your boyfriend would appreciate you cozying up to me in here."

I rip my hand from his, cursing myself for letting him screw with me. I'm not sure if it comes out in English or Italian, but I call him an asshole as I leave, and I can still hear his laughter through the door when I shut it behind me.


I bite the bullet and sit with Matt and his friends at lunch. He's louder with them. They're all loud.

While the tables stay separate in the cafeteria, no one ever bothers to separate these two that have been pushed together. It's reserved for them. Right in the center where onlookers can wistfully wonder what it would be like to sit with school royalty.

They're talking about the first game of the season coming up on Friday, and the only words I get in are to Rachel on my other side. Which is more than okay with me since I have no idea what I can contribute to their conversation. I think Matt's just happy I'm here. I suppose everyone expects to see us together all the time now, and anyone in my position wouldn't think twice about not sitting at this table.

Carter is seated at the end, and I only see his eyes on me once, dropping to his food when I catch him. But then I realize his sudden interest in his chicken tenders isn't because of me, but because of Matt sitting next to me.

His expression is so calm it's intimidating in a way I never thought intimidation could look, silently warding off his own best friend for my sake.

If I could staple him to my side to keep Carter's beady eyes off of me all day then I'd do it, but unfortunately he takes his opportunity to strike at the end of our last class when Matt isn't around. Chemistry.

I'm waiting in the hall for Rachel who's stayed back to talk to Mr. Clarke about our homework when Carter stops in the doorway. "Can we talk?"

I roll my eyes away to focus on a science club poster. "No thanks."

"I owe you an apology, Lia."


He walks around me when Sarah Mathis tries to squeeze past. "Yeah, that party was crazy. Hormones just running wild, you know?"

Figures he's making excuses. He's only standing here because Matt confronted him about it.

I cross my arms and immediately uncross them when his eyes flick to my chest. "So are you apologizing to me or are your hormones apologizing?"

A smile cuts across his face, showing most of his teeth. His incisors are sharper than the rest. It makes him look like he's about to sink them into me like a vampire. "Oh, I'm not talking about me, Little Lia. I really, really underestimated you. And I'm only sorry for that."

"What are you talking about?"

I step back when he tilts forward, dropping his voice to a near-whisper. "Tell me... how long have you been fucking Nate Miller for?"



a/n: don't forget to vote before you go x

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