Chapter 38

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Harry's POV

No, no, no! What if she gets pregnant? She is too young! She is only 18! (THEY GRADUATED SCHOOL EARLY ONLINE) Me as a father? No! I cant trust myself with a phone, let alone another helpless human being! I would love my child to death but...I am so young and so is Callie. I have heard pregnancies hurt. I don't want to cause Callie pain.

"Harry, it will be okay. Its our first time. We are probably fine. And if I get pregnant it will be okay. I promise. Anne can help us. And it will be our own flesh and blood." Callie says, trying to calm me down.

"But we are so young! We cant have a kid!" I exclaim and I immediately regret it when I notice tears in her eyes.

"You don't wanna have a kid with me?" Callie asks. My eyes widen. That's not it at all! Before I get a chance to say anything to her, she runs back up to the house. I chase after her as she climbs the step ladder. I open the door. Where did she go? I hear crying in the bathroom. I knock softly.

"Callie?" I call. More sniffles. "Please let me in." Cries and deep breaths. "Baby, come on. Let me at least explain what I meant by that."

"20 second explanation th-through the d-do-door," She chokes up from the cries and I wince, knowing I am the one who caused this. I caused this emotional pain.

"Callie, I love you and I wanna be with you. I wanna start a family with you. But we are so young. I know pregnancies hurt. I do not want to put you through so much pain at our age. You would have nine months of torture and then I have heard the labor is worse. I just want you to be safe. I don't want you to ever be hurt. I love you. It hurts me to see you in pain, baby. And I am not responsible. I would need time. I would need teaching. I know nothing about all this." I explain in a quick breath. I hear silence on the other side of the door. I lean against it and slide to the floor.


Callie's POV

"....I know nothing about all this." Harry finishes explaining. I pause to think about all he just said. I hear him lean against the door and slide down onto his butt. I lay my head on my kneed which are pulled up to my chest. I know he is not the best at keeping up with things. I know that. But we would have nine months to work on that. I could teach him. And after all of the pain and torture of a pregnancy, we would be rewarded with a mini us. It would have our features. We would have a family. I don't care how much pain it causes me, I know I would love him/her. They would be Harry and I's little bundle of joy. No one could change that.

I take a deep breath. My knees pop as I stand up. I wipe my face before opening the bathroom door. Harry doesn't even try to stop from falling back. He just tumbles onto his back on the bathroom floor. I notice tear stains on his face.

"Harry?" I whisper and kneel down beside him. We have the sweatshirts and sweatpants on from last night. I take his hand and help him sit up.

"I am sorry for how I reacted, Baby. I am." He says. I kiss him. I lean forward and press a long sweet kiss to his lips.

"Harry," I pull away. " If I were to get or be pregnant, I promise we would get through this. We have nine months to teach you responsibilities and what to do with a child in the house. And the torture and pain is worth it in the end. When we receive a child. Made by us. It will look like us, act like us, love us. And we will love it the same, no matter how much pain it puts me through. And hey, Bella went through a harder pregnancy than I ever will. " I laugh. He gives me a confused look at the end.

"Bella? From Twilight? Edward and Jacob? Bella and Edward have a kid named Renesme in the last movie? VAMPIRES!?" How can he not know this!? He has girl friends, a sister, and a mother. Come on, some moms out there are into Twilight Saga.

"OH! Gemma loved those movies." Harry smiles. I laugh at him and pull him into a vertical position.

"So? Is everything okay? I am probably not pregnant though. It was our first time. But sometime in the future I want to try for a kid." I say.

" We can try again right now if you want?" He winks. I bite my lip. Doesn't sound like such a bad day. He takes my pause to a yes and carries me to the bedroom this time instead of the sand. This time is a bit more comfortable but not as romantic as the first time on a beach. Again, he is slow and gentle, but he doesn't hold any back. I love him, so , so much.


I know it is short. But I am stressed out right now! I will try to make the next chapter really long! I love you all!

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