Chapter Eleven: Nightmares and Concerns

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There I was standing outside, as it downpours rain, I see a girl in the distance. It's Cassidy, I run to her but as I run closer to her, I feel as if I'm getting farther away. Somehow, I get right up to her, so close I can just hug her. All of a sudden, I feel as if it's not just me and Cassidy. Andrew is there, and he's angry. So angry in fact his eyes were red, he throws me away from Cassidy. I'm on the ground flat on my back and as much as I try, I can't get up, I can't move. It's as if I'm paralyzed. As I lie there, Andrew goes up to Cassidy and pins her to the ground. He starts punching her, and doing anything he can to hurt her. All I can hear is Cassidy screaming and begging for Andrew to stop. I just lay there yelling for Cassidy, I still can't move, I use all the strength I have and still can't move. Cassidy yells for me and I yell back. "Andrew!" I yell as the damage is done. I see Cassidy lay there, a bloody mess. I'm horrified and disgusted by what I witnessed. "I'll kill you, Andrew! I swear on my life I'll kill you!" I scream out. Just then I jerk up out of my sleep. I'm sweating terribly, and I hear a knocking at my door. "Hey J you, okay?" Derrik said slowly opening my door. I'm shaken to what I witnessed in my nightmare. Thank God it was nothing more than a nightmare.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just had a nightmare." I said as I try gathering my thoughts. Derrik looks at me all confused, "It must've been a bad nightmare. What was it about?" He asks curiously. "It was nothing. Just a nightmare I pray doesn't become reality." I said thinking about how I basically watched Cassidy get beat to death. It's probably my worst fear. It's bad enough that I worry about Cassidy getting hurt every night, but that was worse. I wouldn't ever forgive myself if something like that happened to her. I get up out of bed, get dressed and decide to go talk to Mr. Hammond. I felt bad for ignoring him the way I did the last time I saw him. "Hey Derrik, I'm going to head out and talk to Mr. Hammond. You can hangout for as long as you'd like." I said as Derrik makes himself a bowl of cereal. "Thanks man, but I think I'm going to see my dad today. It's been a while since I've seen him." He said with excitement. Derrik is really close with his dad. His parents divorced when we were young and ever since then he's gotten closer to his dad. "Okay man, be safe see you later." I said as I walk out the door. I head to the desk to see if Mr. Hammond is there and turns out he is. "Good morning Mr. Hammond." I said. Mr. Hammond looks at me with a smile on his face "Morning Jonas." He said as he sorts through paperwork.

I think about how I ignored him and that he deserves an apology. "I'm sorry I ignored you the other night Mr. Hammond. I just had a bad night." I said hoping Mr. Hammond won't be to upset with me. "Oh, it's fine Jonas. I remember being young. I understand you have nights you just want to go to bed." He said to me as I feel some relief. I think more about the situation I got into with Andrew, and I decide to ask Mr. Hammond for advice. "Mr. Hammond, what would you do if you were worried about someone you know was in a bad situation?" I ask. Mr. Hammond looks at me oddly. "Well, if you're referring to Andrew and Cassidy, I would do whatever it took to get them out of it and get as much evidence to back up your story as possible." Mr. Hammond said to me. I just stand stunned for a moment not sure how he knew I was talking about Cassidy. Mr. Hammond leans closer to me, "Look son, I'm not stupid. I'd do something about it if I could. I have my speculations too, but I'm too old to get into it." He takes a breath and continues. "However, you're young and sharp as a tack! If you believe there's something going on, follow your heart and get her out of there." Mr. Hammond said. He was onto something, and he was right. I need to do something and do something fast. "Thanks Mr. Hammond." I said as I wave goodbye as I go back to my apartment and try to figure out what I can do.

Later that night, as I'm watching TV, I start to hear some noises in the apartment above me. That apartment was Cassidy's, and I was curious what was going on. It sounded like they were in an argument, and I wasn't sure what they may have been fighting about but whatever it was all I could do is try to listen the best I could. The shouting went on for a good twenty minutes until it went quiet. I started dosing off but then all of a sudden, I hear glass shatter against the wall in Cassidy's apartment above me. I honestly thought I was dreaming at first, but then I realized I wasn't. I then hear the door slam and I started to hear crying; I figured it had to be Cassidy. I decide to look out the window and sure enough, Andrew was getting in his car and driving off. This is my chance to check on Cassidy. So, I took the elevator to the second floor, walk down the hall and knock on her apartment door. Cassidy opens the door and all I wanted to do was hug her. "You shouldn't be here." She said to me. She's wearing the same black hoodie, covering every inch of her body. "Cassidy, I know what's going on. Let me help you." I said to her grabbing her hand, I look down noticing a bruise on her wrist. She jerks her hand away quickly. I know she needs my help, but she has to let me help her before I can truly save her.

It must've been the wind...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin