Chapter Ten: Left on Read

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It's Monday evening and my lip is still healing from the punch I took from Andrew. I still couldn't believe it happened. I pull into the parking lot after a long day at the garden center, I look at my phone to see if Cassidy messaged me back. I tried to check on her, but she just left my messages on read. I sent messages all weekend, but she never responded. I had to think, maybe Andrew took her phone or something, or she's just trying to play it safe until she can get a moment without Andrew around. Knowing how Friday night went, I'm sure Andrew isn't letting her talk to anyone. I begin to get out of my truck I stop dead in my tracks, as I see Andrew and Cassidy leaving the apartments in his car. At least she's okay I thought, but she doesn't look like she even wants to be around him. I just start to think about what could've happened and if she got hurt or something Friday night. Either way I'm just glad she was okay, at least for the most part she was. I watch as they both get into Andrew's car and leave. A wave of sadness comes over me as I tear up thinking about what happened Friday night. I just want to be with Cassidy, but more importantly I want to save her from the situation she's in with Andrew.

I get out of my truck and walk into the apartment building to see Mr. Hammond. "Good evening, Jonas, how are you today?" He said while sorting out some paperwork at the front desk. I just wave hello to Mr. Hammond, I don't exactly feel like talking. I know I was kind of rude to Mr. Hammond, and I don't mean to be. It's just been a rough couple of days for me, and I just want to be home. I get to my apartment door and notice it was unlocked; I open the door to see Derrik sitting on the couch watching wrestling on the TV. "Hey man, you're just in time. Wrestling is about to start. Derrik and I watched wrestling a lot as kids and used to reenact fights or wrestling moves, we saw on TV, despite the warning before the show started that clearly says, "PLEASE DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME." However, Derrik and I ignored that and done the complete opposite. "Oh, hey Derrik, I didn't know you'd be here." I said, honestly glad to see Derrik at my place. "Sorry man, I tried to call you, but you never answered, so I just came in. Figured you wouldn't mind." He said while eating a bag of chips. I don't mind that Derrik was here because I gave him a key a while back so he could come over whenever he wanted.

We both chill out on the couch watching wrestling. While watching TV, I keep thinking about Cassidy and how I could've done things differently that night. I had never been in a fight before, so I kind of froze, and the only thing that was on my mind was making sure that Cassidy didn't get hurt. She was my main concern. I decide to order Derrik and I a pizza, considering I've barley ate anything the past few days. Our pizza arrives about a half hour later and we watch the rest of the wrestling matches that were on. As the show goes on, Derrik and I watch some of the moves these superstars are performing, one of them being the superkick, one of me and Derrik's favorite moves to perform on each other. "Wouldn't that be a heck of a move to actually use in a fight." Derrik said. "Yeah, if only I could use it on Andrew, he deserves it." I said thinking about how cool it would be. Derrik looks at me with a smile, "Dude, I'd pay to see that." We both laugh, thinking about how cool it would be to just beat up Andrew using all these crazy moves on him. What a time that would be.

Despite how cool it would be to put a beat down on Andrew, I still don't have cold hard evidence against him. I still somehow need to prove that Andrew is an abusive piece of human garbage. The wrestling show ended, and I realized it was late. I decided to go to bed, and I gave Derrik a blanket for him to sleep on the couch whenever he eventually sleeps. "I can go if you want me to J." Derrik said putting the blanket to his side. "Nah, man it's late, just stay over. Night bro." I said as I head to my bedroom. "Thanks, Night J." Derrik said starting to make himself comfy on the couch. I change into just some basketball shorts and lay down in bed. As I lay in bed, all I can think of is Cassidy and how I just want to save her. I'll do everything it takes to get her out of whatever bad situation she's in. I can promise that much.

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