Chapter Nine: The Ride with Andrew

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I stand stunned as I watch Jonas fall to the ground after Andrew punched him. I had a bad feeling about tonight, but I wanted so badly to hang out with Jonas I let the feeling slip by me. Andrew looks directly at me, and points to the car to let me know to get in. I wanted so badly to run over and hold Jonas and see if he was okay, but I was too afraid in that moment to do anything. I just do what Andrew wants and I get in the car. I get in the car and Andrew soon gets in, slamming the door as he puts the car in gear and takes off. I still couldn't believe what I witnessed. Andrew speeds down the gravel road and turns hard onto the solid pavement, putting his foot on the gas and speeding down the small narrow road. "What did I tell you about hanging out with people and not telling me?" Andrew said sternly. I just keep myself balled up in the passenger seat, not wanting to say a word. All I can think about is Jonas, I hope he's okay. "Answer me when I talk to you!" Andrew shouts at me. I get startled and scared. I try to figure up what I can say.

"I was just with a couple friends Andrew; I'm allowed to have friends." I said trying to stand up for myself. Andrew just stares down the road as he drives. I see his hands gripping the steering wheel tight. "What did you tell him?" Andrew said to me. "You better not lie to me about anything either." I get anxious, Andrew is still not slowing down. I don't want to anger him, and I don't want to lie to him either. In order to protect Jonas, Derrik, and myself I end up conjuring up a mixture of the truth and a couple of lies. I take a deep breath, "I didn't tell him anything okay? We just hung out, nothing more, and nothing less." Andrew starts to slow down some and lets out a deep breath. He pulls over and comes to a dead stop. Andrew, still staring out the windshield, said with a calmer voice, "If there was nothing else, then why were you two alone?" I'm not exactly sure what to say, I couldn't tell him the truth because if I did all hell would break loose. So once again, I mix the truth with a couple lies.

"He just wanted to show me that spot on the old gravel road, he thought maybe you and I would like it out there." I said anxiously, hoping that Andrew believes me. Andrew unbuckles his seat belt and looks at me. He leans over to me and kisses me. Truthfully, I didn't like that he was kissing me. Even though Andrew and I had kissed many times before in our year long relationship, I lost the attraction I had for him when I realized who he truly was. I honestly wish it was Jonas kissing me. I start thinking about it, realizing that we were so close to kissing one another. It's so wrong of me to have a crush on someone while I'm in a relationship, but this relationship I'm in isn't even love. It feels like an imprisonment. Andrew stops kissing me and looks me dead in the eye and slaps me across the face. "Do you really think I'd believe that? Do you think I'm stupid?!" He exclaims. I hold my face, trying to hold back the tears. "I know he likes you Cass, and I know you probably kissed him! Who knows, maybe you slept with him!" Andrew keeps yelling at me, calling me names the whole time. I beg him to stop, at this point I'm crying so much I'm not sure I can breathe. Andrew stops yelling at me and drives us to the apartment building.

We pull up to the apartment building. I keep my face covered because I'm almost sure that Andrew left a bruise on my face. Andrew shuts off the car, "I'm sorry Cass. I got way out of line again; you know how my anger issues are." I just stay balled up in the car, "It's okay." I reply, just trying not to cry. I look around and notice that Jonas's truck isn't back yet. I hope Andrew didn't hurt him too bad. I want him to be here, I want him to be with me. We both get out of the car, and Andrew walks up to me, hugs me, and we go to our apartment. We get up to the second floor and go into the apartment. First thing I do is go over to the bathroom to check my face. It's a little red, but not as bad as I thought it was. Andrew sits down, turns on his PlayStation and plays video games the rest of the night. I get my night clothes on, say goodnight, and go to bed. Despite what happened tonight, it wasn't all bad, cause honestly being with Jonas most of the night, made me feel like I was the luckiest girl on earth. I so badly wish he would've kissed me, but at this rate I won't ever be able to see him again. After tonight, I'll be lucky to even step foot outside without Andrew again. This situation is only going to get worse.

It must've been the wind...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant