Soon the night was coming and the sun was gone we were back at mine and my cousins' house. Kai was sitting beside me while Lloyd was tending my ankle. "If it hurts from me touching it let me know," Lloyd spoke up. I tilted my head, "um okay?" I said confused.

That's when Lloyd moved my pant leg up a bit and started to wrap my ankle 'it hurt a little bit but not as much as me walking on it,' I thought to myself while studying what Lloyd did.

"How in the world did y/n hurt his ankle?" Cole spoke up. "Well dumbass here decided to run in the woods after hearing screaming and he recognized the screams and tried to follow it kept running blindly and went down hill and he was hurt but he kept hiding it," Kai spoke.

"Hey I'm not a dumbass!" I kinda yelled and retaliated back at Kai. Jay just laughed a little bit, "could be worse man but next time no running off what if there were more bear traps?"

"Wait you ran into some too was there any blood by it?" Kai asked. The others looked at Kai, Lloyd, and me weirdly. That's when I had a tight grip on the couch arm because Lloyd tightened the wrap on my ankle a bit.

"Sorry," Lloyd said looking at my facial expression. "It's fine just not used to having a bad ankle I'm used to my wrist getting sprained, burnt, and a lot of other shit," I replied back.

We are all broken (Lego Ninjago x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now