As I watched Kai and Lloyd leave I went over to where a specific comic book series was and kept looking. That's when the tv came on and mentioned that they were at the house where Lucy, Luka, and me live at. I quickly put the comic book back and started to run home.

I kept running til I got there, "Lucy! Luka!" I yelled looking for the two. "Shit where are they," I said to myself. I kept looking around for anything even a clue that's when I see the back door was broken open. I quickly went out the back door. "Luka! Lucy!" I yelled again and started to freak out.

I ran through the backyard, my heart pounding in my chest. Thoughts of potential danger raced through my mind as I desperately called out their names. "Lucy! Luka! Where are you?"

The sight that greeted me sent a surge of panic through my entire body. The garden was in shambles, with overturned flower pots and scattered toys strewn about. It was clear that something terrible had happened here. An overwhelming sense of fear consumed me, and I fought to keep my thoughts clear.

I rushed towards the broken back door, my mind racing with possible scenarios. Could they have been kidnapped? Or worse, harmed? Dread wrapped its icy fingers around my heart, and I pushed myself to search for any clue as to what might have transpired.

As I searched the surroundings, my eyes caught a glimmer of something on the ground. I knelt down to examine it carefully and my breath hitched. It was a familiar necklace Lucy always wore, now discarded and abandoned. Panic tightened its grip, as I feared the worst.

Without hesitation, I continued my frantic search, shouting their names as if my life depended on it. Every second that passed felt like an eternity, my mind overwhelmed with worry and panic. The back of my mind filled with worst-case scenarios, causing my adrenaline to surge even higher.

I couldn't even breathe it felt hard to that's when I saw these people in bright color ninja outfits I was still shaking and couldn't breathe. "Hey you okay," the ninja in dark blue put his hand on my shoulder and I slightly jumped and tensed even more from the slight touch. "Jay, he's having a panic attack," the white one spoke up and took off his mask to reveal a male with white hair and blue eyes.

"Hey just calm down it's going to be okay just listen to me okay and relax take a deep breath okay?" The one in white said again and I listened to what he said and stuff.

We are all broken (Lego Ninjago x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now