Chapter 76 - Invitation From Hell!!

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Narrator- It has been 26 days since the Carnival began, and we have finally entered its final stages, with only 3 External and 1 Internal Dragon Parts left.

However, while the Carnival was an event occurring only in the Dragon Country, other countries have also been dealing with their share of problems.

(Day 27, Strand Country, Suzune's House, 8:00 a.m)


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(T.V. auto-starts)

News Reporter- Gggggggooooooodd Moooorrrnning Ewweryooone!!! Waaake uppp, it's a newww dayyy!! A new beginningggg!!

Narrator- Suzune wakes up, rubs her eyes, sits on the bed for a few seconds, then stands up, goes towards her window, removes the curtain, and opens the window.

Breathes in the fresh air with a gentle smile on her face. Then again, sat on the bed, picked up the water bottle from the side table, and drank all of it-the full bottle.

Then she adjusted her pillows to her likeness, laid down, picked up the phone, and proceeded to have a look at it for 20 minutes.

She stands up, picks up her yoga dress, goes to the bathroom, hangs her dress on the hangers, goes up to the mirror, takes out the brush, applies the toothpaste, and brushes her teeth. Then after that, she changed her dress to the yoga one, went up to the mirror again, and washed her face.

She went to her room again, spread a yoga mattress beside her bed, sat on it, picked up the TV remote, and turned the volume a little down. With this, she started her yoga and proceeded to do it for the next 30 minutes.

News Reporter- In case any of you have forgotten, today is the day when the finals of the "Football League" take place between "FC Rufus Street" and "FC Emeralds"!! So, be sure to check out our live coverage at 6 p.m. Seeeee Yaaayyyy!! Have a great day!! (suzune switches off the T.V.)

Narrator- Goes to the bathroom, has a bath, comes back to the room, selects her outfit from the cupboards, wears it, then takes her necessary belongings, locks the main door, and heads out.

(Town Square, 9:25 a.m)


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