Chapter 19 - Visit At The Aquaitic Hospital

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Aiden (to denma): I will do everything it takes to take down terrorists like you. A stab with a spear won't stop me!! LAVA FLAMES FIST!!

Narrator: Aiden, with his 'Lava Flames Fist' attack, punched Denma in the face and ended up throwing him 15 meters away.

Aiden's attack caused the whole left-hand side of Denma's face to be burned.

Denma (before losing consciousness): I lost. I am sorry, boss.

Narrator: The battle between The Commanders and Denma was now over, with The Commanders picking up the victory.

The Commanders then slowly walked and reached Denma, who was lying unconscious on the ground, which was full of sand.

Skyler (to aiden): That should do it. That was quite a punch, Aiden!

Aiden: That was my most powerful punch. It had to take him down. And yeah, that was a quick imagination, Skyler. That boulder was a huge help in bringing him down.

Skyler: It was never an easy task to fight two Commanders at the same time!! He did his best. But why...why did he join the Dushyanta? He could have been a big resource to the world with his shakti.

Aiden: Sometimes you really can't predict life. Anyone can change at any moment of life. No one stays till the very end; even your loved ones can change.

Skyler: I wonder why he changed. Or why is the whole Dushyanta against us?

Aiden: Even if he is a terrorist, I still can't bring myself down without acknowledging his strength. But enough talk. Skyler chain him up now. We will then hand him over to the Great Leader.


Narrator: Skyler imagined chains, and then Aiden tied the chains all over Denma's body, leaving him not even a single chance to move.

Aiden: By the way, what are you going to do without any arms now? How are you planning to hold any apples? Hahaha!!

Skyler: Ah, don't worry about that. IMAGINE- APPLE!!

Narrator: Skyler imagined an apple and held it directly in his mouth without letting it fall to the ground.

Skyler (while eating an apple): I still have my mouth to eat the apples!! That's the only thing that is important!! But regardless, I will imagine back my arms too. But it's going to take some time before it is stitched back in a proper position.

Aiden: Hahaha!! Well, no one can really separate you from your apples, can they?

Narrator: A day has passed since all the battles happened. Hinaka and Nova left the Rimsor Forest before others to bring Livon and Ayumi to the Aquatic Hospital for treatment of their injuries. But they were not the only ones present at the hospital, as both Baker and Kiyomi later joined them.

Fortunately, the treatment for all four of them went successfully, and all of them were resting on their beds in the same room.

Everyone who had gone to the Rimsor Forest with them for the mission also came to check on them at the hospital.

Everyone who had gone to the Rimsor Forest with them for the mission also came to check on them at the hospital

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