Chapter 37 - Bonding between meme guardian and his avatar

Start from the beginning

Smg3: You don't have to watch me, I'm not a baby...

Smg4: Yes you are you whiny boyfriend.

Smg4 overhears Smg3's comment while continuing cooking.

Smg3: Well I didn't ask your opinion scrub!

Smg4: See? Baby.-

Smg4 giggles as Smg3 rolls his eyes while sniffing with his stuffed red nose.

Mario: Smg4 told Mario to watch you!

Mario continues to watch him while Meggy takes a seat back in the chair.

Meggy: if you need anything else, let me know!

Smg3: Yeah yeah I know. Of course he told you to do that.

Smg3 blows his nose more as he watches Mario staring at him. He sighs as he throws the used tissues in the trash.

Smg3: How about entertain me while waiting for food? Or do something else beside staring into my sick soul.-

Mario looks around for something to do until he finds a game of Gno.

Mario: How about we play this?

Smg3 looks at the card game as he remembers back to the train ride that Smg4 kept winning and makes him rage. He looks back at Mario and sniffs.

Smg3: Sure why not. One game won't hurt...

Eggdog does a little dance to the balcony and barks at Meggy. She looks over at the egg and notices he wants to go outside. She walks over then puts her coat on and puts the scarf on Eggdog while giving him a pat on the head.

Meggy: There we go! We don't want you getting too cold out there!

Meggy opens the door and goes outside with Eggdog. While she's taking Eggdog outside, Mario sets up the game of Gno and clearly doesn't know how to play and thinks they are playing Go Fish.

Mario: Hmmm do you got any threes?

Smg3: Mario we're not playing Go Fish, it's Gno you idiot!

Mario looks at the cards then at Smg3 then back at the cards again and thinks for a minute.

Mario: OoOOooh Mario gets it now!

Smg4 finishes cooking as he serves plates on the table and feels proud about it.

Smg4: Alright food's ready!

Smg4 opens the balcony door, announcing to Meggy that food's ready then closes it to keep the cabin warm.

Smg3: Oh finally. It's better to be good.

Meggy comes back into the cabin with Eggdog and walks over to the table.

Meggy: Smg3? Do you need help getting to the table or do you want one of us to bring your food to you?

Smg4 has an idea that he knows Smg3 won't like it.

Smg4: What about Mario helping you feed you? So you can stay comfy and feel less nausea. And you can play Gno later!

Smg3 looks at him like he's crazy or something.

Smg3: ...Are you serious? I can eat on my own!

Meggy giggles then takes Smg3's soup and puts it on the table next to Mario. She walks back to the other table and takes a seat. Mario takes a spoon with soup to feed Smg3.

Mario: Mario is going to fly for you!

Mario starts to move the spoon around like a plane while making plane noises. He moves the spoon towards Smg3's mouth to feed him.

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