The date Chpt 21

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Taylor honked his horn I went over to his door his car was AMAZING. I looked shocked. He pulled down his window and looked at me. "You like?" I hopped in.
"Is it your dads?" I asked. "Uh NO!" He said. I laughed. We just talked till we went to the fair. Everyone was there perfect. I walked with Taylor hand in hand over to Matt and Britney. "See they did show up." Britney said to him. "Great." He said. Then we saw Nash and them then we walked over to them. "Aye guys." Taylor said. "Hey dudes." they all said "Hey Stace." Sam said i went over and hugged her. "So what's the plan?" Carter asked.

"Well guys you should be around observe us like check if she does something wrong. Offer her drinks and stuff when we go sit down." I explained. "Cool." They all said. "K lets go." Sam said. We walked towards Matt. "Hey Matt." Nash and Taylor said. "Sup bro." He said doing some sandshakes. me and Sam looked at Britney. She looked at us with disgust. We just rolled our eyes. "Matt what are all of them doing here?" She said looking at Nash and Sam . "Ask her." He said looking at me. "What I didn't do anything." I said. "Ya she didn't." Taylor said. "Guys what are we standing around for lets goooo." Sam said pulling Nash in the entrance. "Haha ya come on Tay Tay." I said grabbing Taylor by arm. "Ya lets go BABE!" He said behind us so we could hear it. We all walked in "Hey guys how about we ride the roller coasters!!" Taylor said. "Yass lets do it!" Nash said. "Oh my god yes!" I said. "Good thinking Tay!" Sam said. "eww I hate heights!" Britney said. "What babe come on." He said dragging her. "NO I DONT WANT TO RIDE!!" She yelled causing a scene. "Okay okay fine." He said. "Well suite yourselves." I said we all ran to the ride laughing. we were all rode it so did the guys. "Haha guys what are you doing here." Nash said to Cam and the dudes. "Well we couldn't have you guys have all the fun!" He replied we rode it haha we screamed and I thought i was gonna die!
As we got off the guys left and it was just our dates. We found them sitting on the bench. "Hey guys." I said to them "hey look Matt got me a dolphin." She said and waved it at me. " Oh that's great." I said sarcastically.

"Did Tay won you anything." He said. "No we were on a ride." Taylor glared at him.

"Hey want a drink?" Carter asked "ya sure. She said grabbing the drink it was an extra large perfect thinking Carter. "Hey should we go get somthing to eat?" Nash asked. "I could eat." Sam said smiling at him. "Ya I'm starving!" I said everyone laughed Matt just chucked under his breath. "Don't laugh." she whispered at him. "Ya sure I'm hungry." Matt said biting his lip at Britney. "Eww not that kind of hungry." I said rolling my eyes at them. "Come on let's get some food!" I whined. "Hah calm down girl." He said putting his arm around. I smiled at him. And we walked to the consession stand. Everyone followed me. "Umm I'd like 2 hot dogs and fries but put whatever topping on top surprise me." I said. "That's my girl said Taylor. I turned to everyone and smirked. Matthews was wide open... Wow ...Tay payed for me . And we waited for our food on the tables beside the consession stand. "We'd like 2 cheese burgers extra cheesy." Matt said and smilied. "Wait eww no Im on a diet. Just a regular hamburgers with two waters." She said. "Cool babe you know I don't drink soda." He said holding her close.

"Um no I didn't know and Ew you don't drink soda what's wrong with you. She said as she chugged down the rest of he drink. "Want a drink?" Cam asked bringing her a soda. "Thank you see Matt can't you offer a girl a Drink?!" She said grabbing the soda. Cam walked over to us and winked and walked away. Sam and Nash sat next to us with alike 3 or 4 for dogs in there hands. Then the waitress showed up with our food. "Woah how'd you your food so fast?!" Taylor asked stuffing his face with hotdog. "Well we went to the other consession stands. Sam explained. "Cool."I said. We started eating. "Eating with out us?" Britney asked rudely sitting across from us.

"Sorry that we WERE STARVING!" Nash said eating his corndog. "Im surprised that she didn't go to the bathroom yet. I whipped to Nash. We laughed and Matt just stared at me it was kinda awkward so I ignored it. "Hey I have an idea." I said. "Taylor open your mouth." I told him. "Really do it somewhere else." Matt groaned. "Shutup anyway do it Tay." I said excitedly. he did I threw a French fry at him direct hit. He choked a little which made us all laugh. "Not funny I COULDVE DIED!" He said. "I'm sorry."I said hugging him. "Don't worry baby girl I was kidding." He said hugging me back. Haha great actor.
Nash and Sam got in on the game too it was fun. Then Matt got mad and grabbed Britney and started making out loudly. We just stared. I felt a little heart broken "Go get a room." I said angrily. "What can't taste the love." Matt said smirking. "I don't care!" I screamed back at him. "Ya u do!" He said back to me. "Why do you even care!" I said standing to him. "Stay away Matt." Tay said hugging me. "Well you stay away from my Matt." She said hugging Matt and dragging him away.

"Should we even help him?" I asked Nash.

(.... More COMMING :) )

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