"If there someone that's going to get Isabelle it's our girl" Dave let out in a chuckle as he just watch the same thing as Aaron  just did.

Celeste and Aaron drove up to the house, it was late and they were both tired. Celeste got out of the SUV and slowly walked to the door.

"Shower, food or sleep?" Aaron asked as he fallowed her up the steps. Celeste let out a hum as she open the door.

"one hundred percent sleep" she let out, before stopping in her tracks, Aaron closed the door and turned around and bumping right into Celeste. Aaron looked up down the hall and noticed that the light were off.

"Somethings wrong" Celeste whispered. Celeste quietly took her shoes off and took her gun out. Aaron took his gun out as they started walking down the hall to the living room, Celeste made the corner and looked around no light was on.

"I'll go check the back rooms, go up" Aaron whispered beside her. Celeste looked up as she quietly took one step at a time, as she got on the second level she walked againts the wall all the way down the hall to the spare bedroom. feeling the wall for the light it turned on and she looked in the room with her gun in front of her, Nothing. she turned around and walked to Jack's room, once again feeling for the light she turned it on. Looking in the room the bed looked like it was slept in, Celeste looked to her right and looked down the hall. Swallowing hard she quickly went to Talia's room, turning the light on it was empty, the fear started to creep in as she walked to the master bedroom.

Turning the light on shock washed over her.

"AARON!!!!" She screamed as she entered the room and quickly looked around and she got to the bed. Carmeron was laying on the bed half nacked and blood everwhere, Celeste got to her.

"Cam" she let out as she touched her neck to feel for a pulse.

"Cam" she let out louder. Aaron ran into the room with his gun up. suddenly Cam took a deep breath.

"oh my god! cam!" Celeste let out as she got on the bed and tried to put presssure on her wounds but there were to many of them.

"Ce.." she coughed, Celeste looked at Aaron who was on the phone and calling 911. Celeste looked back at Cameron who was looking at her.

"she....took...them" Cam let out as she started crying, Celeste eyes got watery.

"I'm....so...sor..ry" she let out, Celeste was crying now as she was carressing Cameron's hair.

"shhhhh, don't talk help is coming" Celeste let out.

"So...rry...I...tried to....hide them" Cam let out as she started coughing and spewting blood out of her mouth.

"Cam..." Celeste let out, Cameron closed her eyes and let out a breath and she was gone, Celeste let out a sob as she let her head fall, Aaron walked out of the room and Celeste heard something break in the hall.

The team showed up, the cops were everywhere with the medics. Aaron was standing in the living room as the team walked in.

"Nothing?" Dave asked as he looked at Aaron who shook his head. The team looked at there boss who looked like he was going to lose his shit at any second, everyone turned as they heard something in the stairs. The medics were coming down with the gurney and the black body bag on top , Celeste was behind them as they came down. JJ let out a gasp as she looked at Celeste who was covered in blood.

"Celeste?" Morgan let out as he walked up to her as she got in the living room, she looked at Aaron.

"she took them..." she let out as she sobbed again and fell in Morgan's arms. Aaron walked up to them and replaced Morgan as he took Celeste in his arms and silently sobbed with her. Everyone had tears in their eyes as they stood around.

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