Chapter nineteen

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"Wisect is our next step" Hotch let out as he was sitting in the conference room with the rest of the team, it's been three weeks since Celeste had the call from Isabelle Bertrand. Celeste was pacing the room.

"I feel like we can do a better job protecting you guys than them" Morgan let out.

"I don't understand what she's waiting for?" Prentiss let out, Celeste let out a hum.

"She's waiting for use to go into witsec" Celeste let out, everyone turned towards her.

"Why?" Dave asked, Celeste walked to the table.

"This is going to be her last attack, she's making omage to her... to the reaper so she's going to make it look as similar as how he did it" Celeste let out as she looked at Aaron who looked at her for a moment.

"And how long have you been sitting on the theory?" Hotch asked her, knowing damn well that she knew this for a while.

"Since we talked about witsec the first time" she let out, Aaron shook his head.

"So where just going to keep doing what were doing?" JJ let out, Celeste nodded.

"she said she'll see us soon, so I'm waiting" Celeste let out.

"I don't think this is a good idea" Rossi let out. Hotch stood up.

"Alright, get back to work" he said as he grabbed his files and walked out of the room.

"I'm going to beat the shit out of that bitch when we find her" Celeste let out as she walked out of the room.

"nobody disturb them" Rossi let out as he pointed to everyone.

Celeste made her way to Aaron's office, walking in without knocking.

"You need to trust me" she let out, Aaron looked at her.

"I do" he said as he dropped the files on his desk and turned around and looked at her as he leaned againts his desk. they looked at each other in silence for a moment.

"I think after all this is done, I might retired" Aaron let out, Celeste eyes almost popped out of her head.

"your what?!" she let out.

"I might retire, I think we need to leave this and live our life" he let out, Celeste shook her head.

"Aaron, I'm not leaving the BAU. I work to hard to be here"

"I know, but I promised you a safe and happy future and this job is making that impossible" he said.

"I know we've been dealing with a lot since I showed up in your life..."

"I was warn you were a hand full, didn't think it would be life or death situations" he let out, Celeste looked at Aaron who was smiling at her.

"dick" she let out,

"please don't make a decision about retiring now, wait a little" she said as she walked up to him, Aaron open his arms to her and they hugged.

"I won't baby" he let out as he planted a kiss on the top of her head, they were quiet again.

"God I just want you to bend me on you desk right now and fuck me hard" Celeste let out, Aaron let out a growl and took her by the shoulders and moved her at arms lenght. looking at her with his serious work look.

"get out of my office and get to work"he let out with a little smile and a shake of his head as he slapped her butt before making his way around his desk.

"your lost" she let out with a chuckle as she made her way towards the door.

"you lucky there's a lot of people here, I would punish you for that" he let out, Celeste stopped in her track turned and looked at him.

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