Chapter five

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Two months later...

"I'm dividing the team into groups, we need to find this guy before he gets his hands on anyone else" Hotch let out as he looked around the room at his team.

Four day that the team was working a case in Miami looking for a guy that had been kidnapping people and feeding them to the alligators in the everglades while filming at posting them online. Four days that the team had been working in a room that for some reason was hotter than hell, Everyone was sitting and holding some sort of ice pack to cool down.

"reid, JJ and Dave start on this street, Morgan, Celeste on this street and Prentiss and I will take this one, will meet in the middle, understood?" he said as he looked around the room as everyone got up and started making there way out of the room. Aaron looked at the end of the table where Celeste was standing and putting her gun on her hip again.

"You good?" he asked, Celeste looked at him and gave him a little nod.

"It's just so fucking hot, makes me feel sick" she said, Aaron walked around the table.

"Bring water with you" he said as he got close to her, Celeste looked up at him.

"And I'm so tired" she then let out, Aaron gave her a little smile.

"Were almost done"

"I'm going to kick this guy's ass when we find him" she let out, Aaron let out a chuckle.

"I'll let you get one good hit, that's it" he said, Celeste gave him a big smile as she turned and walked out of the room in a better mood.

Celeste and Morgan were walking in the street they were assigned watching the local police go door to door, Celeste stopped walking and let out a deep breath as she put her hands on her hips.

"You okay?" Derek asked as he looked at her, Celeste was breathing heavly.

"God I hate Miami" she let out, Morgan let out a chuckle.

"Miami is party central, were all the hotties hang out" He let out moving his eyebrows at Celeste who looked at him in almost disgust.

"Such a pig"

"Here drink" Morgan said as he passed her a water bottle

"If I drink more water I'm going to piss my pants" Morgan let out a laugh.

"I don't think you can pull that off" he said, Celeste let out a huff in agreement. As they walked down the street they heard shouting from one of the houses.

"STOP! I SAID STOP!" Celeste looked at Morgan before both looking at the a guy dressed in black run in the road, stopping he looked at Celeste then at Morgan.

"Hey man, we just want to talk" Derek said. Both watched the guy starting to run the opossite way.

"Fuck!" Celeste let out as she and Morgan started running after him.

"Hotch! we got him, he's running towards you guys" Morgan let out. Celeste was pumping her arms to run faster as she passed Morgan and got closer to the Guy. As they got closer to the meeting point Celeste saw the SUV's and cop cars showing up, the guy tried to turned to go towards a house.

"Oh no you don't" Celeste let out as she gained up on him and threw herself at him, making him fall over and both rolling to the ground. the guy letting out a moan of pain as Celeste quickly got up and took her gun out and pointed it at him.

"Don't you fucking move!" she let out.

"You bitch! you broke my nose" the UNSUB let out as he turned around, Celeste looked at the guy who had blood running down his face.

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