Chapter twenty

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Aaron showed up at the BAU after his morning meeting. Walking in the bullpen he noticed that no one was at there desk.

"Anderson" he said, the brown hair man got up from his desk and looked at Hotch.

"Where's my team?" he asked, Anderson pointed to the conference room. Aaron looked up behind the agent.

"Doors are close, have no idea what's going on " he said, Aaron gave him a nod as he started walking towards his office to drop off his stuff. Hotch made his way towards the conference room, getting to the door he opened it. Everyone looked at him.

"Hey?" he said with question in his tone.

"Sit" Celeste pointed at his usual seat.

"Okay, so Amanda Bertrand got pregnant gave birth and..." Celeste let out as she looked at Penelope.

"She stayed long enough to name her then left the baby at the hospital, Isabelle was adopted by the miles and they changed her name" Penelope let out.

"so somewhere down the line she found out who her parents were..."

"Oh no my cupcake, it's worst than that. Our little serial killer wannabe..."

"Garcia" Aaron let out.

"Sorry sir, so she actually went to a tech school and took cyber security..." Penelope let out, everyone looked at her.

"Guy! she learned how to hack computers" Garcia let out.

"So this brings us to now, she work to get into the academy and then once she got access to some of the stuff in Quantico, she just hacked in" Morgan let out, Celeste nodded.

"that's why Penelope never caught wind of her, because she was using everyday scanning cards of Agents to get in the files" Celeste let out. everyone looked around in silence.

"What happen yesterday?" Dave asked, Celeste looked at Aaron.

"She went to Jack's school and tried to get him out, they went into lockdown and when we showed up we searched the grounds and she was gone" Aaron let out, Dave shook his head.

"she's getting bolder" Morgan said.

"She's getting angry, because where not playing her game, because if I know how her plan was suppose to go, we were suppose to go into witsec and then she was going strike" Celeste let out.

"So what's the plan now?" JJ asked.

"we wait" Celeste let out, everyone turned their heads towards Hotch, who was looking at Celeste.

"We wait" he repeated.

Everyone got back to work bouncing thoughts back and forth, Aaron had decided to get coffee because it was going to be a long day. He was pouring coffee in his cup lost in thought when Dave showed up.

"We wait?" Dave let out, Aaron let out a hum.

"Since when did Celeste turn into the Unit Chief?" Dave asked, Aaron turned around and looked at his italian friend. He let out a exhale as he leaned againts the counter.

"You know she didn't go to bed last night? she stayed up working on this case and trying to figure this out. it keeps her calm and keeps me in her good grace" he let out, Dave gave him a nod as he grabbed a mug for his coffee.

"How's Jack doing since yesterday?" Dave asked, Aaron gave him a little side smile.

"He's fine, the school was close today so he stayed home with Cameron and Talia" Aaron let out as he looked up at the cat walk and saw Celeste running into his office and seconds later run back out towards the conference room, she was holding a file and two evidence bags with the letters in.

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