Chapter Ten

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Celeste and Aaron walked into the bull pen and made there way to the conference room, everyone was sitting there and looking rather uneasy. Celeste looked around with raised eyebrows.

"what's wrong?" she asked as she took a seat next to Emily and Reid, Prentiss shook her head at her.

"Garcia" Hotch said as he took a seat in the last chair at the end of the table.

"Yes sir, this morning local Pd got a call of a young couple found dead on the side of the road" Garcia let out as she clicked the remote and pictures showed up.

"there were stopped at a rest stop. both stabed multiple times" she then said as she clicked the remote a second time with pictures of the girl and the guy, blood everywhere. The team looked at the pictures for a moment in silence.

"this looks like..." Celeste snapped her head towards Hotch who was looking at the case files, then quickly stood up and walked out of the conference room. Celeste looked at Rossi.

"Gang get ready were leaving in ten minutes" he let out, Celeste grabbed the file and got up and quickly made her way towards Hotch's office. Getting at the door it was closed, Celeste gave a quick knock before opening the door and walking in the office. Celeste looked at Aaron who was standing on the other side of the room where the window was, he looked at her.

"I can't do this" he said in a tired tone to his voice, Celeste looked at him.

"He's dead Aaron, can't hurt anyone" she let out, Aaron shook his head at her.

"A copy cat can be just as worst" he let out, Celeste let out a hum as she turned and took a few steps in the office.

"do you trust me?" she asked, Aaron at at her.

"I trust you with my life" he replied, Celeste walked up to Aaron until she was so close the her swollen belly was touching him, they both looked down and Celeste let out a chuckle.

"she's already getting in the way" she said making Aaron chuckle, Celeste looked up at him as he looked in her eyes.

"I want you to trust me that I will not let you fall, you were there for me when I needed you, let me be there for you now"she let out, Aaron let his head fall foward as he let out an exhale. Celeste reached up and ran her hands up his shoulders to his neck and planted both hands on each side of Aaron's face and lifted his head a little so he would look at her.

"I love you" she said as she gave him a little smile, Aaron returned the smile as he gently put his hands on her stomach.

"I love you" he whispered, Aaron looked down between both of them.

"How is she today?" he asked gently rubbing her belly, Celeste let out a hum as she looked down.

"she's doing summersults today, kinda uncomfortable" she let out, Aaron let out a hum with a little smile.

"it's going to get worst"

"I know!" Celeste let out as she swatted his hands away. Aaron let out a chuckle, Celeste moved away from Aaron.

"Are you good?" she asked, Aaron looked at her for a moment before he gave her a nod. Celeste returned the nod.

"Let's go find a monster" she said, Aaron took two steps to her and bend down and gave her a kiss. they both walked out of the office joining the team that was waiting at the elevator.

Tirty minutes of driving the SUV parked beside the police cars.

"Okay, I don't know what your doing in there, but mommy needs to work so chill" Celeste let out as he looked down at her stomach, Emily let out a laugh as she looked at her.

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