Chapter six

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Celeste walked out of the bathroom at quantico, Aaron was leaning againt the wall waiting for her, they had just got to work and she had to make a pit stop because of her morning sickness hit her bad this morning.

"Your conversation didn't work, if anything it made it worst" Celeste let out, Aaron let out a chuckle as they started walking towards the BAU.

"might be a little harder to hide if your running to the bathroom a lot" Aaron let out, Celeste let out a hum in agreement as they got tot he glass doors. Aaron open one for her as they walked in, Celeste walked to her desk as Aaron continue to his office. Celeste got to her desk and sat down in her chair letting out a deep breath as she looked up at Morgan that was looking at her with raise eyebrows.

"You good?" he asked, Celeste gave him a nod as she ran her fingers in her hair.

"Is it just me or it's warm in here?" Celeste let out.

"It's just you" Derek let out, Celeste let out another deep breath before she grabbed a file and started working away.

Aaron was standing in his office and looking at the bullpen, Dave walked by and open the door.

"Why are you snooping? he said as he walked in the office and closed the door.

"I'm not" Aaron let out, Dave let out a hum as he took a seat in one of the chairs.

"How's Celeste doing?" Dave then asked, Aaron turned and looked at his friend.

"Good, she got plenty of rest on the weekend" he let out as he walked to his chair and took his seat.

"that's good, So I don't know if you knew this but Jillian invited the whole team to the BBQ in a couple of weeks" Dave let out, Aaron looked at him for a moment before shaking his head.

"Well Celeste is going to be happy about that, she doesn't even what to go when it was only family" Aaron let out making Dave chuckle.

"you know Jillian invited Jessica too, so I though it was a family only thing" Aaron said, Dave let out a laugh.

"she likes to entertain"

"Or drive her daughters crazy" Aaron said as he smiled at Dave.

"So! hows married life?" Dave asked, Aaron looked at his friend and let out a chuckle.

"Are you that bored?"


"How about I tell you a secret instead" Aaron said, Dave raised an eyebrow at him.

"talk Hotchner" Aaron let out a chuckle.

"Alright, you need to keep you mouth shut, and it's still early so anything can happen" he said, dave gave him a nod. Aaron looked at him and let out a deep breath.

"So Celeste is pregnant" Aaron let out as he watched Dave light up like a kid on christmas.

"Really?" Dave let out with a smile, Aaron gave him a nod with a smile.

"We found out when we were at the hospital, she's eight weeks" he let out.

"Amazing!" Dave let out, Aaron let out a hum.

"You don't look that happy about it" Dave let out, Aaron gave him a tight lip smile.

"I'm...." there was a quick knocked on the door before it open and Celeste apeared, looking at both men who was looking at her, Dave have a big smile on his face. Celeste gave Aaron a look as she walked in the office and closed the door.

"you told him" she let out, Dave stood up to give her a hug. Celeste shook her head and pointed for him to sit down.

"to nauseous for a hug, Aaron we said we were going to wait" she let out, Aaron let out a breath.

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