Chapter eight

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Celeste was pacing in the waiting room as Aaron was sitting in the chair and looking at his phone.

"Can you please sit down" Aaron let out as he looked up from his phone, Celeste stopped and looked at him.

"Or not" he let out as he smiled before looking at his phone again. Moments later the door open.

"Celeste" the nurse said as she smiled at her. Celeste and Aaron fallowed the nurse in the back and into the room.

"Alright were doing the ultrasound today so you can have a seat on the table and the Doctor will be in soon" the blonde said as she smile at both Celeste and Aaron before leaving with closing the door behind her. Aaron looked at Celeste who was nervously looking at the door.

"Why are you so nervous?" he asked her, Celeste looked at him.

"we missed our last appointment, I'm twenty weeks what if something is wrong?" Aaron looked at her with a soft look.

"Nothing is wrong..."

"You don't know that"

"Celeste..." Aaron started to say before he was cut off by  a knock at the door before it opened. Courtney smiled at Celeste as she walked in the room and closed the door.

"How are we doing?" she said as she looked at Aaron who gave her a nod with a smile.

"My wife is worrying to much" Aaron let out as he looked at Celeste who rolled her eyes at him, Courtney let out a chuckle.

"What are you worrying about?" Courtney asked as she gestured for Celeste to lay down, Celeste laid down and lifted her shirt a little, Courtney gave her a little smile as she looked at the small belly that was forming.

"I'm worried that something is wrong" Courtney looked at her and gave her a little smile.

"let's check if we can get a good look at this little miracle" Courtney said as she pulled the ultrasound machine closer to the table. Taking the gel she squirted some on Celeste's stomach.

"Jesus, why does it have to be so cold?" Celeste let out in a hiss making Aaron chuckle. Courtney started moving the wand around.

"Ah there we go" she let out, Both Aaron and Celeste looked at the monitor.

"That's your perfectly healthy baby" Courtney let out as she looked at Celeste who had watery eyes.

"I'm going to try and measure everything to make sure" she said. Aaron took a seat on the stool that was beside the table, sitting by Celeste's head.

After a good thirty minutes Cortney took the wand away and grabbed a towel to wipe Celeste off.

"Everything is perfect" she let out, Celeste let out a breath.

"Good...that's good" she let out in a small voice.

"So you should start feeling the baby kick soon" Courtney said, Celeste pulled her shirt down then slowly sat up.

"Not sure what that feels like"

"It's going to feel like little flutters at the start, like when you fall in love and you get those butterflies"

"Oh! I feel those, I thought it was just me being hungry" Celeste said as she let out a laugh, Courtney laughed.

"Nope! that would be the happy baby, but now you know" Celeste smiled.

"Relax, enjoy this, everything is going like it should" Courtney said, Celeste nodded to her. Courtney returned the nod as she looked at the couple.

"So do you want to know the sexe of the baby?"...

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