Chapter fourteen

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Sitting at his desk Aaron was going over over some stuff from the copycat case, it was hes first week back since Celeste had the baby three weeks ago. between moving into the new house and taking care of a newborn. there was not much sleep going on, Aaron sat back in his chair and let out a exhale as he closed his eyes. there was a knock on the door before it open.

"Got you a coffee, figured you would need it" Dave said as he walked in the office and passed Aaron a coffee mug.

"thanks" he said, Dave sat in the chair.

"Still working on the copycat case?" he asked, Aaron gave him a nod.

"Did you give any thought about telling Celeste what happen?" Dave asked, Aaron looked at him with a knowing look.

"She doesn't need to know" he let out, Dave shook his head.

"you know that she could probably help..."

"She's on maternity leave, I'm not getting her involve" Aaron cut him off. they were both quiet for a bit.

"So how's the new house?" Dave asked changing the conversation.

"it's an adjustment, but we got everything out of boxes. Jess stayed with us for a few day to help with the baby and Jack" Aaron said, Dave gave him a little smile.

"how is Jack with Talia?" Aaron gave him a smile.

"he wants to do absolute everything to help" Dave let out a chuckle.

"One think, I never thought I would be this happy. I watched the three of them a couple of nights ago, I don't know how I got so lucky" Aaron said, Dave gave him a smile. the two started talking about work stuff again when they heard some racket in the bullpen, Aaron stood up and looked out.

"Celeste is here" he said rounding the desk and walking out to the catwalk and looked down at the team, everyone was around the baby carseat and making baby noises. Celeste looked up at him and gave him a smile, Aaron returned the smiled as he made his way down to the team.

"She's perfect Celeste" JJ let out as she looked at the sleeping baby.

"she's pretty great" Celeste let out.

"Can I take her out?" Morgan asked, Celeste gave him a nod.

"Yes! come here little cutie" he said working on taking Talia out of the carseat.

"How are you doing? not to sleep deprived?" Emily asked, Celeste shook her head.

"had a lot of help, which is nice" she let out, Derek turned around with Talia in his arms.

"Little momma, she looks just like you" he said.

"yeah and she gets angry just like her mom when she's hungry" Hotch let out as he stopped beside Celeste, Celeste gently hit him on the arm.

"OMG! move out of the way!" Penelope let out as she made her way in the bullpen, she got to the team and stopped right in front of Morgan.

"she's perfect! pictures don't even show how beautiful she really is" Garcia let out.

"Want to hold her?" Morgan ask.

"no, I just want to bask in her cuteness" she let out.

"I'll take her" Prentiss said as she walked up to Derek and scooped Talia in her arms, the baby didn't even squirm by the change.

"wow, usually they cry or fuss" JJ let out.

"she got passed around so much the last three weeks she doesn't care anymore" Celeste let out, everyone smiled as they looked at Talia.

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