Part 20

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My eyes slowly opened to the sound of the radio. I jabbed the silence button with my finger. I marched over to the shower and spent a good 20 minutes cleaning my body and hair and an extra 10 thinking. Finally I climbed out wrapping my self in a towel and blow dried my hair. Then I yanked out the curlers and gave my hair a cute curled/waved look. I quickly did my makeup and brushed my teeth before heading to my room. I let the towel drop to the floor and yanked open my lingerie draw.

I decided on blue underwear, I slipped them on and opened my wardrobe. Black leather trousers... yup. I tugged the tight trousers on and searched for a shirt. I noticed a tight red top that comes down to just above your belly button. I put that on and some red sling back wedges. I grabbed my leather jacket and some gold hoops. I put the hoops in my ears as I wondered down stairs. With the parents already at work I headed straight outside. My motorbike was sat in the garage. I put on my jacket and headed off to school. Yup riding in heels again.

Five minutes later I was at the parked up. I headed inside, my hips swinging from side to side.

"She's back!"

"Wow hot!"

"I would so do that thing!"

I listened to the comments, missed me obviously... or at least my butt and boobs. I noticed the Dark Siders, they always hung out near that same tree that everyone had to pass. I took a detour and instead of going to my locker I strolled over to them.

"Hey boys," I said winking. Alec's eyes traced up and down my body while the others just stood there mouths hanging open.

"Careful you might catch flys," with that their mouths clasped shut while Alec and I smirked. "I don't know what you're smirking at but try and keep your eyes to your self," I muttered. Alec quickly lost the smirk and looked embarrassed, I bit my lip and twirled my hair seductively. What can I say? I'm a flirt today.

I could feel all eyes on me as I walked into the school with the 'Scary' gang. Yep we were going to be the next hot topic on the gossip mill. I strutted past Tia, Jason and their followers, their eyes wide and mouths hanging open.

"I have to go to my locker, see ya later?" I asked.

"We'll come, meet up later." Jack and Will gave the other 'boys' a parting nod before following me to my locker.

"Damn girl, what's with the hot badass look?" Jack asked.

"You ain't badass if you use those words," I muttered, the word 'Badass'? It sounds so childish and pathetic.

"I think she's got all the gang whipped!" I heard a guy stage-whisper to his friend. Oh boy, now this was fun.

"Will..." I said seductively. His eyes widened. Oh boy... Everyone thinks there whipped and Will and Jack do whatever I say or they're worried the secrets out. Not that I would do that, but hey, they don't really know me.

"Erm... yes?" he asked. I batted my eyelashes at him.

"Can you take my bag please..." I actually did need him to hold it while I attempted opening my locker so I'm not that bad. He took my bag and a load of boys whistled while other muttered whipped. But the girls? They were drooling over him. I heard some mutter "Oh he's such a gentleman!" I suppose he is... he was brought up to be one I guess. I giggled as I thumbled with the key, attempting to open up my locker. It finally fell open, I pulled out my books for the day and stuffed them in my bag, before closing it. 

"Thank you Will," I wink at him and ruffle his hair. He gives me a death glare which a just brush off and instead I take my bag from him. 

"So what are we going to do about the lover boys?" I ask quietly.

"We just act like you don't know... and don't under any circumstances don't let Ronan know you like Alec," Jack warns.

"Jack I don't like him... I've fallen for him," I say with a huff. The twins just roll their eyes. When the bell went, I walked to first period. I stepped in and headed to my seat, a smug smile on my faces at the guys looks. All feelings from last time gone, I kinda liked the attention, well I don't, but I'm getting use to it. I hear the seat next to me scrape the floor, who sits next to me again? Oh shit. Becky. 

"I see your back," she mumbles next to me. I try to ignore her, I really don't want to talk after last time! "Fine, ignore me, I thought you were nice Cher, but you're not, you're a little fucking bitchy slut." Bitchy slut? Ouch. Shrug it off, ignore her, she's mad and it's not true. 

"Isn't she like kinda a slut? I mean, she's definitely a player. She's got the whole gang whipped!" I glance up to see a girl with ginger hair mutter to her friend. Maybe I am a slut? But I don't sleep around? I look down at my clothes. I dress like a slut... my eyes prickly with tears. Don't Cry! I chant to my self. I thought it had worked until I felt a traitor tear trickle down my face and splash onto the table. I push my chair back, grab my bag and run from the room, tears in full flow. I carry on running until I hit into something... something hard.

"Ouch! Watch were your going?" So what if it was my fault? I'm in tears I can't see... wait déjà vu much? I look up... oh shit.


A/N: Ok so not my best! I'm having writers block :( But I will make the next one better! Promise!! And who did she just walk into eh'? Any ideas? xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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