Part 4

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We leave class and head to our next one, our rooms next to each other. As we walk a gorgeous figure walks out of the boy toilets. My mouth hit the floor, he turns our way and winks at us. He had dirty blonde hair, deep blue eyes framed with long lashes. He’s wearing a casual plain black t-shirt and jeans; a black leather jacket resting in his arms. His full lips pull into a smile as he walks off.

"OMG! Who was that!" I all but shout.

Becky giggles and shakes her head, "No idea, I think he must be a new student," she smiles at me, me still stunned by him. We carry on to class, my head racing. I wave to Becky and walk in, my heart leaps then drops. The boy from the bathroom was standing inside chatting to the teacher, Tia and Jason sat down in their desks. I had been really excited for this lesson, but Tia was gaping at the boy, her eyes full of hope. It makes me sick, why date someone if you're going to jump to someone else cuter the next day? Jason was obviously thinking the same as me, as he places his hand in hers, placing their entwined hands on the desk… just so I could see of course. I sit down at my usual seat at the back, a lot of wolf whistles come my way as I walk to my seat.  "Please leave Cheryl alone boys," Mrs Kal scowls at the class.

"Can you call me Cher please miss?" I ask she agrees and then goes back to talking to the boy.

"Alec I'm afraid you will have to sit next to Cher, it's the only seat left." He nods sitting next to me, my face turned scarlet, he must find it funny, because I hear laughter escape his lips. Of course this only makes me blush even more, and I hide my face behind my curtain of hair.

"Why are you hiding?" he asks softly, I peer at him from behind my screen of hair.

"Um, because I'm embarrassed," I admit, this only makes him chuckle more.

"Don't hide, your cute when you blush, I'm Alec," he says flashing me a 'drop dead gorgeous' smile. My mind races, as I push my hair from my face and attempt to remember my name.

"Er, I'm... I'm..." What’s my name again…?

"Cher?" Alec asks, I nod, oh yeah that’s it. 

"Um thanks... for the compliment, um I er, your very cute, I mean hot?" I stutter to him he burst into laughter, "Wait that sounds pervey, er..." my face turns a bright shade scarlet yet again.  

"Your strange... but it's sweet, also I wanted to ask, are you a new student too? I mean everyone is looking at you as if they know you, but don't if that make sense...?" it was his turn to blush, well kinda blush his pale skin becoming a touch redder, which makes me feel better, a giggle escapes my lips, his pale skin plus the blush makes him look exceedingly hot. My eyes leave his face, and travel down his body, under his shirt the clear marks of a six pack were there. My eyes carry on until I had scanned every last detail. I looked back to his face; his eyes were looking me up and down.

"Are you checking me out?" I gasped, whilst my cheeks turn a rosy red, why can’t I stop blushing!

"Just returning to favor, I mean you checked me out so...." he says grinning at me. 

"I did not," I mutter knowing it was a total lie.

"Ok, if you say so, and are you going to answer my question?" he asks, winking at me.

"Yeah.... um well, I'm not new… but I kind of had a makeover... my boyfriend dumped me, I wanted no connection to him and well I wanted to be the real me, you see I was kind of a nobody..." I reply, his eyes softening at my words.

"Oh I'm so sorry," he could obviously tell I was hurt and suddenly he pulls me into a quick hug. His body vaguely cold, but my skin seeming to boil under his touch. He quickly pulls away, looking towards the ground; I was about to say something when the bell went... we had missed the whole lesson. 


A/N: What ya think? If you like C+V! Will be updating asap xx

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