Part 8

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We arrived at the mall, we just wondered in and out of different shops buying things every now and then. We started to get a bored by around lunch time and headed to KFC. What? Us girls like to eat, and no I don't just automatically stay an average weight, it takes exercise. After we had finished we were stuffed. "Hey Becky, my dad gave me some money to get a car or a bike or something, think we could head over to Frintls Cars?" Frintls cars were the usual place to buy a car or a bike, they were the local place.

"Sure, my baby is there getting her paint over, I would love to see how it's going." So we got back in her car and we drove there. I walked in, Becky close behind me. Then I saw it. A sexy ass, hot pink motorbike was standing there. I all but ran to it.

"OMG! Bec's look at this beauty!" Becky walked over grinning at me, and nodded her head.

"Yup, thats one sexy ass bike, you gunna get?" 

"Hell yeah!"

After about an hour of signing paper work and all that shit I finally was given the flippen key. I brought a black helmet that gave you the whole bad girl style, not really me but who gives one? Before you ask, can she actually drive? Yes, I can, my dad is a driving instructor he taught me how to drive a motorbike and obviously a car. Did I have a licence? Yes, my dad delt with it. Done? Good. 

"Well I'm not going to get this into your mini, so I better make my own way home," I told Becky with a smile, she nodded and got into the mini while waving good bye. I pulled on my helmet then sat onto my bike. Off we go!

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