Part 5

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 I leave the room in a bit of a daze, Alec had escaped the class the second the bell went. "Hey Cher," I look up to see Becky making her way over to me from her class.

"Oh hi." I mumble.

"So I saw Mr Hawty leaving your class," she giggles winking at me. I blush and of cause that just makes her more intrigued.

"What's he like? Were you sat near each other? What’s his name?" If there is one thing I’ve learnt from my time with Becky is that she loves and really do mean loves gossip.

"Calm it tiger, his names Alec, he was sat next to me," I spare a glance at her, her eyes wide and begging me to carry on. "He was kind of sweet but cocky at the same time, he looked embarrassed every time he was nice which was kind of cute." She nods in agreement.

"Wow, and did he like say anything nice about you?" she presses.

"Um he said I was cute? But it was more of a sentence starter I think," I mumble to her, she just laughs. 

"C'mon lets go outside for break, the cafeteria will only be serving snacks," she says and I nod in agreement, we exit the school, out into the sun. It was a lovely day, we sat down on one of the tables, letting the sun hit our skin. Becky pulls a book out of her bag and starts reading it. 

"What ya reading?" I ask while pulling out my all time favorite book, Vampire Diaries, like honestly it's amazing, hot sexy Stefan and drop dead gorgeous Damon plus the whole Vampire thing? That is so a turn on, or would be if I was in a world where supernatural existed, which of cause it doesn't.  I'm not that stupid. 

"Hello? Earth to Cher?" Becky asks bringing me out of my thoughts.


"I said I was reading Fallen, silly and you kinda spaced out?" 

"Um yeah, I do that sometimes when I'm thinking, and cool it's meant to be a good book." She just nods and looks back at her book, in truth I've never heard of it, there are only a few books that I read.  I hear Becky giggle and I turn to look at her.

"What? What’s so funny?"

"Mr Hawty is staring at you," she tells me with a wink, my head whips round to find him, he was with the delinquents of our school. Like they are totally jerks, always getting into trouble, they never talk to girls and if you touch them? Bam. You’re buried 6 feet under. Ok so that’s just a figure of speech but you normally wish you were, they make life hell for you. This girl accidentally walked into one, and next thing you know she's getting F's all the time and finally got kicked out of the school.

"Guess we have lost Alec to the dark side," Becky mumbles, the boys were sat there laughing like they’re all best mates. There are 5 of them, including Alec. They are all attractive and dare I say it hotter than Jason. They’re all pale like Alec. Ronan’s like the leader, he has dark brown hair and come to think of it the same eye colour as Alec, and actually most of his features are similar to Alec, almost like they are related? I shake the thought out of my head, Alec is way to nice to be related to him. Then there it Tyler, he has black hair and black eyes, the pale white skin he has is kind of funny, he is basically black and white hehe, not funny? Okay... Then there are the Dometi identical twins, Jack and Will, they are both light blonde with green piercing eyes.

"Cher? You're spacing out again?" 

"Huh? Oh sorry, and yeah to bad he was kind of sweet, oh well life must go on, but how will I live?" I tease, she sighs.

"Okay enough with the sarcasm, I get you're not interested in boys at the moment." I nod stiffly, good she has finally got it into her head. I am officially semi-permanently becoming a flirt, that doesn’t date. Jason can ask me out if he gets round to it but the answer would be a big fat no. I laugh to myself, then looked back at Alec and the Dark Siders. Okay so every one called then the Dark Side gang, it was pretty funny. Alec turns to look at me suspiciously, shit! He saw me staring and looked very skeptical! All the boys turn to look at me, they give me the same look as Alec, double shit! Hide Cher hide!

"Hey um, I'm just going to the toilets talk later…" I trail off and quickly stuff my book in my bag, Becky looking at me in surprise, I give her an easy smile and head inside. I have always avoided them, they had never ever seen me! But now all that was lost, I was caught staring at them, which probably meant my life was over. No, I'm fine, stop worrying! They are just a load of jerks that think they can rule the school. Oh hell naw! I am going to be ruled by them, I am going to walk back out there and-my phone buzzes in my pocket, I take it out to find a message from Becky.

Cher whats going on! The Dark Side gang just came over to me to ask where you went?! What have you done?!!!-B xxxxx

Crap what have I done! Footsteps come up behind me. Calm down! They probably just want to know who I am? Calm down and act cool. I lean against the lockers and wait for the Dark Siders to come. 


A/N: ooo what gunna happen?! 2 vote and 3 comments to find out ;) xxx 

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