Part 18

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My eyes fluttered open, last night had pretty much ended after talking to Will. I pulled my self off my bed. Walking passed my mirror I glanced at my reflection. I had gone to bed in a pair of pale pink baggy shorts, a black crop top and knee high neon green socks. I giggled at my strange combination of clothes. I walked into the bathroom. I stripped and stepped into the refreshing water of the shower. Half an hour later I pulled a towel around my body and walked into my room. Skinny jeans and a tight blue shirt seemed about right for the day. I smirked to myself. Only one week as the new me and I was already running around with vampires. I laughed at the thought.

I jumped when the bell went, quickly rushing down the stairs. Sage had probably already gone. I finally opened the door after struggling with the lock. Behind it were two boys. Well vampires... Twin vampires...

"Jack? Will? Um hi?" Everything came out as a question. Why were they here? How did they find out where I lived?

"Hey, baby sister," they said in unison. Will sent me a wink, I blushed.

"Aww stop making the girl blush, she's only human," Jack winked. My cheeks turned scarlet.

"Um do you want to come in?" it came out as a whisper.

"Erm... sure but we need two words first..." Jack said, scratching his neck awkwardly. How could I forget!

"Opps sorry! Please come in." With that they both stepped into my house. I giggled. I've never had a boy in my house, not even Jason, and the first ones that enter are both vampires. A smirk fell on my face.

"What's with the smirk darlin'?" Jack asked as he and Will made themseleves comfortable on the couch.

"Nothing... don't worry," I giggled. They raised their eyebrows but said nothing more. Now what do I do? I slipped on the couch next to the one they were sat on.

"How are ya doing?" Will asked, he really did care.

"I'm fine, just glad we got it out in the open."

"Yeah, it's a real pain to hang out with a girl the group likes without telling her! But honestly what made you brave enough to tell us?" The fact I couldn't stand the tension any longer? The fact I needed to see Alec as my heart was going crazy with him not knowing? Yeah that second one is going to be awkward.

"I just... I hate knowing something without being sure." A faint smile reached me lips.

"Well thanks for saying and keeping it a secret. Oh and what was this about vampires being a total turn on...." My face went scarlet, I quickly turned hoping to hide it. Unfortuntly they saw and burst out laughing.

"Bugger off! I'm a special girl!" I cried and glared at them. That will wipe those laughs off their face- that made them laugh more and have hysterics. Just my luck. Two hysterical vampires. I sighed. Several minutes later the laughter died down and eventually stoped.

"Sorry Cher! We're done," Will said while Jack just smirked.

"Pfft! Finally! Now would you like something to eat or drink?" I asked... wait bad question! "I... I mean.. um?"

"N'aww! Baby sis is lost for words by us! We're just that hot!" Jack cried and Will chuckled.

"No your just blood sucking morons," I muttered. The both smirked at me... Damn! I forgot they have great hearing!

"That hurts! How can you think of us like that?" Will cried, clutching his heart in fake pain.

"I say that calls for a punishment!" Jacke cried. Uh oh. I run out of the room to anywhere. I run into my bedroom. Next thing I know I'm on my bed being tickled by two crazy vampires!

"Noooo! Stop!" I wimpered.

"Say we are the sexual looking hot boys in the whole school!" Jack yelled over my screams.

"Never! I won't lie!" With that they tickled harder. Oh god I'm starting to hate vampires! "Stoooop! Or I'll scream rape!" They carried on. Hmph time to bring out 'rape'. I glanced at my open bedroom window through my cries. I noticed next doors window was open. Perfect. We were about 5 metres away from each other. "Rape! Help! Rape!!!" I screamed as loud as I could muster. The neighbours ran to their window.

"Let the girl go or we are calling the police!" the little old Mrs Jipo yelled. The tickling stopped. The boys sent me glares before escaping my room. I quickly yelled thanks to next door before following them.

"Hmph!" Jack glared at me.

"I did say! You can't say I didn't warn you!" Laughter slipped through my lips.

"You're special all right. Now I see why Alec and Ronan are fighting over you," Will sighed.

"What!" I yelped.

"They are falling for you. And falling hard."

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