Part 10

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I stopped in the parking lot. Heads whipped round. There was only ever 4 people that ever rode motorbikes, no one else did. Why no idea? Wanna guess who those 4 were? I'll give you a hint, there is 5 of them now and they're boys... Yup gave too much away, the Dark Siders. I pulled of my helmet, slow mo... ok jokes! I just casually pulled off my helmet and checked everyones expressions, well to say the least they looked damn well impressed. I walked away from my bike, my hair swinging as I walked, a  few boys giving me lust filled looks, I simply winked and carried on inside. Jason was inside with Tia and the followers, well it was pretty cold outside so no surprise there. 

"Hey baby! How ya doin'?" My head whipped round to see Jason staring at me. Oh hell naw. He did not just… call me... baby?! 

"Good thanks babes, just wondering what is must be like from your point of view... but I don't think I can get my head that far up my ass," I told him with a wink. His face was a picture, he looked pissed off that for sure, but I didn't care. I carried on to my locker, Tia looked irritated, so it was to embarrass me huh? Fine bitch two can play at that game. Or three in our case... I arrived at my locker and pulled out my books, I was about to get out the Vampire Diaries book when my locker slammed shut in my face. Looking up, I saw Ronan standing next to my locker, a smirk on his face. His gang no where to be seen.

"How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open?" I asked, a smirk now forming on my face. 

"Yeah, some girls just can't get enough..." Okay so it took me a minute to get that.

"Darlin' your comebacks are gettin' old." Yup a smirk was definitely on my face now.

"Fuck you." He had an irritated expression.

"Do you really think you can handle me?" I asked, god this was so easy! 

"I think the real question is can you handle me," Ronan said while stepping towards me, my back hitting the locker. Oh crap. 

"There's no nice way of saying this, so I won't." Yeah that kinda failed but it was the first thing that popped into my head!

"In other words your out of comebacks..." he whispered into my ear, my body shivered, he pressed himself against me, damn no way to escape! 

"I know you can't keep your legs shut but seriously?" Tia's voice rang through the empty hall way. Shit.

"Oh sorry? Did you want him? Sure you can have him." Her eyes narrowed, all the girls know she had called dibs on him no matter who she was dating. Ronan stepped back, he looked at Tia curiously. 

"Did I miss something?" his gorgeous voice rang through the corridor. Wait gorgeous? When did I ever say a guy had a gorgeous voice! 

"Yeah didn't she tell you she was a slut?" Tia replied, that snarky bitch!

"Woops... Yeah, I taught your boyfriend a few things,"  I retorted, her eyes narrowed.

"Pfft, you never even kissed!" 

"What ever rocks your boat..." mhm suck on that-

"Jason." Damn her!

"I'd slap you but that would be animal abuse."

"Ladies, ladies, I know you can't help fighting over me, but please!" That stuck up dick!

"Um puu-leas!" I exaggerated the please and walked off to my first class.

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