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We walk towards the smoke and follow it until we spot a village with six houses. I raise my eyebrow and pat Blaze back "it's a village?" Blaze lets me down softly and I walk towards the houses "look around."

As I enter all 6 empty houses I look towards the fire in the middle of them "someone was here so be careful and be cautious." I walk into one of the houses and start looking around, I find 2 rucksacks in the bedroom at the back of the house "perfect!" I start looking through the draws and wardrobes for clothes my size and just a little bigger for warmth. I pack a rucksack with clothes before heading into the bathroom.

After searching all the houses I find 2 rucksacks in each house. I fill them with food, toiletries and clothes. I tie every four rucksacks together and leave them in one house. I look at the dragons and smile "lets make ourselves at home until someone shows up." I nod towards the smoke coming from the fire "lets start with that."

Phoenix sits on the fire and it stops immediately. I smirk and look towards the water "so who is hungry?" They all look towards the water and run towards it.

I head into one of the houses and start making rice "fish and rice it is." I open the packet of rice and smell it "oh wow!" I take a deep breath "we eat good tonight and tomorrow training begins."

I walk outside and see Blaze carrying a dozen fish in his mouth "good boy." He drops them and I grab the knife I got from the kitchen "I will cut and you can cook." I sit down beside the fire and behind slicing the fish in the middle before sticking them onto a stick and across the fire. Anastasia and Phoenix bring up around a dozen fish each and I do the rest with them before checking the rice.

As I dish up the food I hear a grow coming from outside. I grab the knife and quickly run out. I spot Blaze growing at a fox that he just killed. I roll my eyes and nod towards it "guess you can have rice and fox?" He eats the fox in one and I laugh nervously "or just fox?" I head back inside and grab the rice "dinner is served." I serve the rice and fish up onto 3 piles before serving them it "eat up because we have a very busy day tomorrow." I grab my bowl and dig into the fish and rice.

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