dreadfully, My hand slowly reached behind to touch the part of my head that hurt among the other parts of my body. I couldn't control the whimper when my fingers met with the bald spot, I hissed in pain as I caressed the spot feeling a little wetness that must be my blood. My body burned in pain, as it came in waves. it wouldn't be long before my body would shut down and let the darkness overpower me.

The driver came rushing towards Igor with his own gun drawn, aiming at me. I looked at them with disgust when he didn't move his weapon even after seeing I was unarmed and Igor's gun was still pointed at me.

Igor said something to him in Russian, like a loyal dog his head bobbed in agreement. Giving me a final glance he walked to the SUV and got in the driver's side. Igor paced toward me with the SUV now going down the trail we had come from. A hope flickering to snuff out burned bright again. They would have shot me dead if he wanted, I could still leave before the driver came back. Newfound energy ran across my veins again, In my head I promised myself to cry over the pain later. right now I needed all the strength. There is a time and place for everything.

Igor approached me with gritted teeth. I look heavenwards to say a quick prayer, maybe all those trips to the church would do me favour and finally the angels will be on my side for once. I let him grab my hand and twist me to face the house again. I notice a door tilted down. This could be a storm cellar or perhaps a buttery for the castle-like house on my right. I took a deep breath in as Igor leaned down to open the door.

As the doors opened I made out about 10-12 stairs disappearing into the darkness. He moved his arm holding the gun behind me to usher me inside. I jumped on top of him, with the risk of him pulling the trigger that could take either of us in this position as we skidded down the stairs. Our bodies glued to each other. Igor humphed with pain as we landed on the floor, him taking all the impact. The gun he had on him skidded toward the darkness, the heaviness of our breaths was the only sound in the room. Igor's eyes closed in a daze.

I crawl towards the darkness to grab a hold of the gun. The old heavy stench of the room made me cough violently grating the insides of my throat like sandpaper. The room was already dark and the cough had forced my lids to seal shut. Rummaging the floor with my eyes shut, finally I had my fingers closed around the gun. I chuckle in relief the weight of freedom lay heavy on my palm, I flung my right arm forward to switch the gun on my dominant hand. My eyes opened groggily as the wave of cough passed leaving me with a dry mouth, even the saliva had dried up clawing my windpipe. I checked to make sure the safety was off.

I will shoot Igor in the head, then slowly walk out of here and follow the trail where the SUV had gone to. if I see the vehicle approach again I will hide in the bushes and sprint again. After reaching the gravel road I will walk alongside the trail still hiding behind the row of trees. I can't let them capture me again and only after making sure I have come too far from them i will walk on the road and ask for help.

To kick my careful plan into action I turn around only to hear the sound of a gun clicking into place and see his driver pointing his gun at me standing on the top step of the stairs crouching down.

Igor stirred with a groan, I raised my hand to aim at him but he was quicker to gather himself as he shot upright and drew another gun out.

"You think you can anger me so I can give you a quick death." he questioned staggering to find his footing. Anger was returning in his hazel eyes as they tried to regain focus. With a muffled groan, I also stood with the gun still in my hand lying limp to my side. Igor snatched it away from me and I didn't fight him. I get he was expecting a response from me so I shook my head.

"A quick death is the least of my concerns, Igor. Dying with the bullet to my head from a bratvacan never be deemed as an honourable death. But the Camorra will understand... Do it, Igor. Let's get this over with." I challenge him, jutting my throbbing chin out. My gaze bounced between Igor and his driver cum bodyguard who had a little consciousness left in him to at least lower the gun and look very slightly embarrassed after my words.

In these past 24 hours, I surprised myself a lot by doing things I didn't think I was capable of. Albeit failing but still trying again and again. maybe one day I will become one of the legends in the mafia world or be mentioned in Chapter 1 of the What Not to Do as a Mafia Princess book. Sticks and stones may break my bones but what he said next devastated me.

"Your brother will have to wait. You have a lot to do for me, little princess." He spoke his voice turned gravelly from pain.

I repeated his words in my head to make clear sense of it

"Brother," I strangled.

My brother... Valerius is dead.

They killed him....

Kazimir killed him.

It was all a lie.

He never loved me.

There isn't any us... It never was.

 It never was

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I would love it if you checked out my other stories, 'Aurora's Aura' 'Billion Dollar Wedding' 'Violet Hues' 'Becoming Romeo' & ''Mafia & Miss Honey'. The story link is on my profile  

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