Chapter 31 - Ghosts Are Real

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"Hello Evangeline, did you miss me?"

"No..." You stepped away from the door, believing your eyes were deceiving you.

"Do you mind if I come in? I have something too discuss with you." He said in sickeningly casual manner.

"Don't even think about it, Levi."

Levi stepped forwards, moving into your territory and into your home. You stepped back, frightened and unable to comprehend why he was now at your door, two years after your relationship had ended.

Your mind raced as you tried to process the situation. The trauma you had endured during your time together flooded your thoughts. You had worked so hard to put that chapter of your life behind you, and here he was, standing before you like a manifesting ghost from the past.

Levi took a seat on your sofa, making himself feel at home. He seemed to wear the same shirts and shoes, adorn the same hairstyle and carry the same superior tone in his voice that he did when he was with you.

"Why are you here, Levi?" you managed to ask, your voice quivering slightly as you struggled to maintain a semblance of control.

"So this is your new place, huh? Ol' Grandpa left all this to you." He began, his eyes darting across the room, analysing it. His tone was laced with condescension, and you could feel the sting of his judgment in his words. "You must feel very lucky, even though it's a dump in comparison to the home I provided you with in the city."

"Where I live has absolutely nothing to do with you, at least not anymore." You fired back, your eyes fixed on Levi. "I don't need your fake lifestyle anymore, I can finally be happy being me."

He raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by your response. "Well, well, it seems like you've found some backbone since we last saw each other."

Your hands balled into fists at your sides, his condescending tone grating on your nerves. "Yes, I have," you replied, your gaze unwavering as you met his eyes. "But that's not why you're here, is it, Levi?"

"No, no, you got me there." He sighed, a weak smile on his face. Leaning back with his arms extended, he gazed at you in a hungry manner. "How are you coping with this sort of life? I never thought I'd ever see you in dungarees, you have changed." He spat, his words laced with mockery, preying on you up and down like a wolf.

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at his obvious attempt to unsettle you. You had dealt with his mind games before, and you were not going to let him manipulate you anymore.

"I've changed for the better," you replied, your voice steady, refusing to let his taunts get to you. "Unlike the life we had together, this life is genuine. I'm surrounded by people who care about me, who value me for who I am." You shot back, admiring yourself in the living room mirror. "And as for the dungarees, I like them. They're practical, comfortable, and they suit the work I do here."

Levi stood and moved towards you, however you stood your ground. His lips curled into a smug smile as he leaned in closer, invading your personal space. "Ah, so the simple farm life has taught you to appreciate the little things, has it?" His tone was dripping with condescension. You held his gaze, refusing to back down. "Yes, it has," you replied firmly. "And I've learned that materialistic pursuits aren't worth anything."

"Well, sunshine, I come bearing bad news." He began, turning to face the fireplace. He seemed to deliberately shift his attention away from you, his actions brimming with a sense of calculated nonchalance. Undoing a button on his shirt, he sighed.

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