Part 2 - Chapter 30 - What's The Difference?

Start from the beginning

"Wow, you've outdone yourself," he said, a mixture of surprise and delight in his voice. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close. The sensation of his touch sent your body crazy. He planted a gentle kiss on your lips whilst holding your chin. "It smells gorgeous in here, very garlicky!" He exclaimed, sniffing the intense yet pleasurable aroma you were cooking.

"I wanted tonight to be special," you confessed, looking up into his eyes with a shy nature. He leaned in, his lips brushing against yours again in a soft, lingering kiss. "You always make every moment special," he murmured against your lips, his voice smooth and comforting.

Harvey's eyes darted to the table. "You got me some of my favourite wine too?" He gasped. You just nodded, a large grin across your face. "Are you trying to get me drunk Miss Rosingdale?"

"Harvey, out the year and a half I've known you, I have never seen you remotely drunk." You recalled, your hands on your hips.

"I'm setting an example that's why." He stated, pushing up his glasses. "I've seen the effects of alcohol, and it's never usually too pretty..." Harvey began, quietening down towards the end of his sentence, glaring at you beneath his glasses.

"Eh, so what? I've fallen over some tables and said some stupid stuff, it's all part of the fun." You giggled, not worried about the past anymore.

Harvey's expression softened as he looked at you, his concern mingling with a touch of exasperation. "It's not just about the immediate embarrassment, you know," he said gently. "Alcohol can have serious consequences, not just physically but also for your overall well-being. I've seen people struggle with addiction-"

"Harv, let me stop you there." You begun, cutting him off. "Tonight is our night, so leave Doctor Harvey by the door."

He nodded silently and pulled you in for a tight embrace. "You're right, I need to learn when to bench Doctor Harvey." He sighed, stroking your hair and resting his head on your shoulder. You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying one another's embrace. His hand moved in soothing strokes along your back, a gesture that always managed to ease your worries.

You smiled against his shoulder, your heart lightening at his willingness to adapt and meet you where you were. "I believe in you," you teased, pulling back slightly to meet his gaze.

"Let's eat, shall we?" he asked, his voice eager. You nodded, feeling a tinge of hunger, reminding you that you were indeed in the middle of preparing a meal. Moving to the kitchen table, you appreciated the soft glow of the candles casting a warm, intimate ambiance.

You dished out the carbonara onto two plates and set them down at the table. "This looks delicious!" He smiled, his excitement bubbling. You couldn't help but admire your work. You were certainly no chef, despite producing fruit, veg and produce for a living. City life for you just didn't require the need to cook.

Tucking into his meal, Harvey's initial delight was soon replaced by a puzzled expression. You followed suit, taking a rather large mouthful of the carbonara.

"Honey, how much garlic did you use to make this?" Harvey finally asked, his brow furrowing slightly as he continued to chew, trying not to alarm you too much.

You paused, your own taste buds now registering the unexpected intensity of the garlic. "A clove of garlic!" You exclaimed, visibly confused. "A clove?" Harvey replied, placing his fork to the side. "One singular clove?" He inquired again, his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, one garlic clove, one whole garlic!" You responded, oblivious. Harvey's face fell, he stared intently at you before bursting into a fit of laughter. His laughter was so infectious that you couldn't help but join in, even though you weren't entirely sure what was so amusing.

After a moment, Harvey managed to compose himself, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. "Oh, Eva," he chuckled, shaking his head. "It's not the whole garlic, it's usually just one small segment of a garlic bulb. That's what a clove is."

Your eyes widened in realization, embarrassment quickly replacing confusion. "Well how was I supposed to know!" You replied, snorting again with fits of giggles. Harvey reached across the table to take your hand, still chuckling. "It's alright, love. We all have our culinary disasters, and this is yours."

You couldn't help but laugh again, dumbfounded by your stupidity. "Well, I guess we won't have to worry about vampires for a while." You stated confidently, trying to see the light of the situation.

"Exactly," Harvey grinned, raising his glass of wine in a playful toast. "To a unique twist on carbonara." You clinked glasses, gossiping and exchanging chuckles the whole evening through.

You finally both crashed into bed gone 12, exhausted from the days labour. Entangled in his arms, Harvey stroked your hair gently whilst gazing up at the ceiling, content and warm. You had already begin to fade in and out of consciousness, worn out from the eventful day.

"Goodnight Evangeline." Harvey whispered, gently kissing your forehead and taking off his glasses. You replied with a grunt, half asleep, no longer able to compose words.

- Morning -


You jolted awake, slightly shell shocked.

"What the hell!?" You exclaimed, panting. "Since when do you ever wake me up like that!?" You sighed, slightly annoyed, glaring at Harvey who was dressed and ready for work.

"I don't! That's the fun of it! I like surprising you!" He beamed, leaning down kissing your cheek. "I made you some breakfast! That's the real surprise..." Harvey picked up a tray full of delicious breakfast items. On the left was a berry fruit salad with yogurt, the other, poached eggs on toast.

"Aw Harv! This looks so tasty!" You beamed, your heart full of love for the man before you. "Don't worry, there's no trace of garlic in any of this." He teased, giggling to himself and awaiting your reaction. "Very funny." You said blankly yet playfully, taking a bite of your perfectly cooked poached egg.

"I have to go now, I love you." Harvey announced, preparing to make his way out of the farmhouse. "I love you too, have a good day, and thank you for this." You smiled, chewing on your toast. "It's my pleasure," he replied, leaning over to give you a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out.

As you finished your breakfast, you felt a sense of contentment wash over you. Your relationship with Harvey was filled with these sweet, ordinary moments that made your heart feel full and your days brighter. The big gestures were great too, but the smaller ones were beautiful.

You showered and got ready for the day, a skip in your step. Nothing could ruin the perfect day before you.

Knock knock.

You bounced over towards the door, expecting to see Leah or Emily awaiting you.

Turning the door handle, you opened the door to a horrifying situation.

"Hello Evangeline, did you miss me?"

Love Is The Best Medicine (Stardew Valley - Harvey)Where stories live. Discover now