He plants a chaste kiss on my lips, releasing his hold. I smile and turn back towards Giana.

"You guys got it bad." She laughs. My face burns red as I shoot her a playful glare. The air is warm and welcoming, wrapping me in a blissful embrace as we step out of the house.

Stepping into her jeep, we make the scenic drive toward town. Their house was in the countryside, a few miles out from the busy city.

"My brother's are throwing an end-of-the-summer party so we need to find some cute outfits!" She says excitedly.

Twenty minutes later, we finally reach a small shopping center littered with locals.

I look around in awe, excited to visit their town. Giana leads me into boutiques and helps me pick out sweet, summer outfits.

After a tiring few hours, we finally sat at a small cafe ready to eat some lunch.

Setting down our bags, we take a seat. "I'm starving, they have great food here!" She gushes.

I glance down the menu before I point out what I want and let Giana order it for me. I knew nothing of Italian and didn't want to make a fool of myself.

Our lunch is filled with chatter and laughter as I learn more about her.

She was sweet and sensitive. Opposite of her brother but yet somehow so similar.

As we're walking back to her car, a blacked-out van cuts us off. Breaking in front of us, the door swings open, and before I know it I'm surrounded by darkness.

 Breaking in front of us, the door swings open, and before I know it I'm surrounded by darkness

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I was showering when the sharp ring of my phone cuts me out of my thoughts of Lina. Quickly, I shut off the water and wrap a towel around my waist.

Giana's name flashes across the screen. "What's up, G?" I ask casually. "Elio! Someone grabbed Lina, they took off with her!" Giana's voice is panicked and filled with tears.

My stomach drops, and my ears ring. "What did they look like? Did you get the make and model of the car?" I snap into problem-solving mode.

Giana rambles off the information she got in the car, "Elio, please. You have to find her." She sniffles out. "I will. I promise."

I end the call as I dial out Alessandro's number. He answers on the first ring. "So it's true, you defied me." He says into the phone.

"Alessandro, let her go." My voice comes out low as I clench my jaw. "Why? You're willing to pick this puttana over me." (Whore.) "Alessandro, I have been loyal to you my whole life. Let. Her. Go."

At this point, my rage is boiling. "She's useless, a distraction." He hisses. "You've played house long enough. It is time to return to your job." He ends the call, not letting me get in another word.

I slam my phone against the floor angrily, watching as it smashes into pieces. Stalking into my closet, I throw on some clothes.

Opening up my safe, I grab a few of my guns and clips. As I'm throwing my things into a bag, my twin brothers waltz into my room.

"Hey man,-" They stop short as they watch me load the ammo away.

"What's going on?" Enzo asks, concern filling his features. "Alessandro grabbed Lina. I'm going to bring her home." I say stoically.

"Alone?" Matteo says. I nod my head, trying to contain the anger and sadness that wanted to come flooding out.

"That's a suicide mission, Elio. You're not going alone." Matteo says, with a sharp nod of his head. Enzo stands beside him.

"Mamma would kill me, not happening," I say while shaking my head and walking towards the front door. The boys follow close behind me, protesting.

As I reach the door, they stop me. "Elio, we care about her too. We're going with." I let out a sigh, motioning for them to follow me.

As we load into the car, my mind races. What if he hurts her? Or worse, rapes her.

The thoughts cause me to slam my hands against the steering wheel. "Fuck!" I shout, not knowing what to think.

Matteo and Enzo exchange glances, their gazes filled with pity. I had to find her, if something happened to her I couldn't live with myself.

Alessandro had a warehouse here in Italy, so I knew she was there.

The only thing that concerned me was that I didn't know how many I was up against. But it doesn't matter, I had to get her back.

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