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"Che cazzo vuoi dire venderla?" (What the fuck do you mean to sell her?) I spit out, harshly

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"Che cazzo vuoi dire venderla?" (What the fuck do you mean to sell her?) I spit out, harshly.  Alessandro's voice grows quiet on the other line. "We can't trust her, Elio. She knows too much and she'll never agree to be held hostage. It's either we sell her or we kill her."

I glance at the woman, her green eyes observing my every move. Something stirs in me as I watch her. I walk out of the room, continuing my conversation with Alessandro.

"We can't sell her, Alessandro." He mumbles something out, covering his hand over the phone. "Well, then you kill her. Tonight." He ends the call, leaving me fuming. I stalk towards my office and lock myself away.

I have never disobeyed an order before, that's how I got my position. But when I think about taking her life or some filthy mafioso running his grimy hands over her pure skin, a fire rages in me.

What the fuck was I going to do? Everyone knew if you crossed Alessandro Rossi, you'd be met with a fate worse than death. Picking up my phone, I dial my little sister's number. She had just turned 19 and was quite possibly the closest thing I had to a friend.

Giana picks up on the second ring, her perky voice filling my phone. "Brother! I've missed you. What's wrong?" She asks, already knowing something is bothering me.

It was late over there, she knew I would never call if it wasn't something important. "I'm in a shit situation G," I say, letting out a deep sigh. Giana stays quiet, waiting for me to elaborate.

"A woman happened to witness... Never mind that- Alessandro wants me to handle her, but I think I feel something for her."

The words sound ridiculous leaving my mouth. I, Elio DeLuca, am letting a woman have me by the balls. "Oh how the mighty have fallen," I sigh out.

Giana lets out a snort, then scoffs. "God, you are so toxic. That poor girl has no idea what she's in for. What's your plan, Elio? Mama would be so angry with you if you hurt an innocent woman and so would I." She huffs out.

I roll my eyes at her attitude, she hasn't even met Lina and is already leaving my side. "I don't know what to do, G. It's kinda why I called you."

She stays quiet for a moment. "What if you bring her here and tell him you finished the job? You're due for a visit soon, I swear Matteo and Enzo are driving me nuts."

She yells out a few cuss words in Italian, my younger brother's obnoxious voices cutting her off. "Elio, quando vieni a trovarci? E passato troppo tempo."  (When are you coming to visit? It has been too long.)

The twins say in unison. I laugh as I hear my sister shoo them out of her room. Thank God I was the oldest. Giana came next, then my two chaotic, 17-year-old brothers.

When things quiet down, Giana returns to the phone. "I don't know what you're going to do, big brother. But you better figure it out fast. One thing for sure, Alessandro is not a patient man, ciao."

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