Paper Cranes

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Author's Note: Sorry this took so long to come out. It is a dialogue-focused chapter, and I am really bad at making good dialogue LOL. So it was a bit of a slog. Also, the next chapter will be a bit short for a number of reasons.


Iron Blood morale is lower than ever. With Bismarck fallen into an angry gloom, the rest of her fleet has followed suit, becoming noticeably more irritable and irresponsible. If something isn't done soon, the treaty Bismarck signed to turn over her entire fleet to me will have the opposite effect. They might refuse to sortie. They could even mutiny.

Something in my behavior raises South Dakota's concerns beside me, and she pauses her secretarial duty, "Itanchan?"

I look up.

"You seem at odds," she notices.

I sigh and glance at her work, "You edited my report, so you know what I'm at odds with."

She nods, "There are two great banes of a conqueror: logistics and morale. I am sorry to say I cannot offer advice on either one of the two. You would have better luck consulting a flagship like Enterprise or Sovetsky Soyuz."

"I wouldn't want to bother Enty... She's already got a lot on her plate," I mutter, "But maybe-"

South Dakota covers her chuckle.

"What?" I look back at her, and she clears her throat.

South Dakota's face regains its stoic visage, "My apologies. I did not expect a warrior such as Enterprise to be called something like that."

I smirk and pull my mug of tea closer to me, "You'd be surprised how cute she can be. You're a lot like her, actually."

The Dakotan blushes, "Do you really think of me that way?"

"Well, I, uh..." I laugh, "Okay, maybe that was a poor choice of words. Point is, you two can be as earnest as the Fleet Admiral. The only difference is you've yet to find a purpose outside of war. I know I sound like a broken record, Dakota, but I'm serious about this. There's more to life than your job – especially ours."

"Actually..." she starts, lowering her gaze like a shy cat, "I started to do bushcraft."

"Bushcraft?" I grin, endeared by her newfound hobby, "Like, making huts and fires in the woods?"

South Dakota nods, "Ever since I started, I cannot help but run away to the woods where I can leave my stress behind. I tried getting Alabama and Minnesota to come with me, but they could not stand the bugs," she looks down at her calloused hands, "They do not understand. They are enslaved to their air conditioning, their pre-packaged food and drinks... Freedom is out there, and I think I found mine."

She gazes up at me and blushes at my smile.

I lean on my hand and huff, "Proud of you. Maybe I'll come with you on a camping trip."

South Dakota grins at this, "So long as you do not cry about the bugs and dirt, I would love to."

"After everything at Atlantis, I don't think I'm afraid of anything anymore," I chuckle.

The two of us continue our work in content stillness. TB gives me reminders here and there concerning my work or if I make any mistakes. Soon enough, it's break time, and I lay down my pen with an accomplished sigh.

"What've you brought?" I question her, "Same as always?"

South Dakota sets her phone down on the desk, "Battleship Burgers should be arriving with a delivery any minute now."

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