More Than an Admiral

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Waiting outside Zeppelin's dorm room, I nod to Zara and Pola as they walk by hand-in-hand on their way to their dorm. They return the greeting before I knock on Zeppelin's door again. Not even a minute passes by until she answers me.

"I did not hear you knock. Come in," she pushes the door open wider.

"I was wondering when you would answer, especially since you were the one who called for me," I walk inside and notice that the rooms are cleaner than the last time I was here.

Zeppelin sits on the table in the kitchen, "Did you bring it?"

"I did," I hand her a glowing wisdom cube.

She takes the euclidean construct and stares into its radiance, "Considering you delivered it to me, I assume you have figured out what this is for?"

I nod and appreciate the spotless kitchen, "I wouldn't have brought it otherwise."

"A child of our own," Zeppelin holds the cube to her chest and closes her eyes, "I wish we could have at least made an attempt at making a baby ourselves. Care to try it before we materialize her?"

Shocked by her words, I stub my toe on the automated vacuum whirring across the floor, "Let's stick to the cube for now! It's way too early in the day, and I'd like to keep my mind on preparing for the hurricane later."

Tossing the cube into the air and catching it, Zeppelin sighs, "Hmph. That is too bad. Prepare yourself, (Y/N), I am starting."

Interested in seeing the child-making process from a kansen's perspective, I pull a chair out from under the table and sit beside Zeppelin. I stare at the cube as she closes her eyes, and the shape begins to dissolve from the top down.

When it's fully evaporated, a mist forms on the floor in front of us, the vapor rising to the height of a child before dissipating into nothingness, revealing a newly born kansen: our daughter.

The girl, reminiscent of Zeppelin, blinks her eyes and looks up at us, "Huh? Eh? You two – identify yourselves!"

Zeppelin's eyes snap open, "I am your mother, Zeppelin. This is your father, (Y/N)."

"Mutter?" the girl turns to me, "Vater? Well, then, it is a pleasure meeting you both. I will have you know that I am Zeppy, the pinnacle of Iron Blood engineering who will bring the world to its knees – wah! Hey! To think that you would pick me up while I was distracted... taste my wrath!"

Zeppelin faces me with Zeppy in her arms, who struggles against her mother's hold, "Look at her; is she not perfect?"

Zeppy stops grappling with Zeppelin when she's enveloped in a hug. I walk over and place a hand on Zeppy's back as I hug Zeppelin with the other arm. Zeppelin gazes at me before leaning her head on my shoulder. On her face is a smile I rarely get to see.

* * *

Sitting in the living room with Enty and Sirius, Little E shifts beside me, bouncing her plush toy on her knees. Sirius takes a bite of celery after dipping it in tzatziki, a healthy pool of snacks on a tray atop the coffee table. Little E hasn't picked at it since she heard that she'd be meeting a new friend soon.

"Is she here yet?" my daughter looks up at me.

"She's here," I nod and glance at the door, "She might be nervous, so give her a moment. How're you feeling?"

Little E grins down at her plush, "I can't wait. I get to play with someone!"

The door opens as I smile, and I watch Zeppelin enter the room, her daughter hiding under her cape. Zeppy peeks out from under her, meets Little E's gaze, and ducks back underneath. Despite her excitement, Little E displays the same level of shyness.

Hymn From the High Seas (Azur Lane x Commander Male Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu