Ghosts and Galleons

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In the secrecy of the Resonant Verity's captain's quarters, Belfast pours hot, steaming tea for all of the "Tempesta" ships, as they call themselves. Royal Fortune marvels at the couches she and her comrades sit on, lightly bouncing on it. Golden Hind, a scantily-clad woman with no sense of shame licks her lips as she watches me from across the coffee table. Mary Celeste, who sits closest to me, exudes a gelid aura as she pushes her icy-blue hair behind her sharp ears. São Martinho waits patiently and thanks Belfast after taking her cup of tea, looking like she'd fit right in with Iris Libre. Adventure Galley grunts at Whydah who nods off and bumps her head against Galley's arm. Meanwhile, Prince of Wales, Sovetskaya Rossiya, Chkalov, Bismarck, and Tirpitz linger in the room to guard me.

"Let me get this straight," I take my teacup, which Mary Celeste had nudged with her hand while taking hers, "You aren't Sirens... but you've got no idea what kansen are?" I sip the tea, blindsided by the chilled liquid.

Royal Fortune sighs, "Oh, leave it out, would you? I told you we're pirates!"

Adventure Galley wakes up Whydah when she barks, "Don't fuckin' lump me in with you!"

"Alright, keep your hair on!" Royal Fortune drinks her tea submissively, "Blimey, you take it so personally..."

Wales shares a glance with me and Rossiya, but Chkalov questions, "And you have no memories of your materialization?"

Mary Celeste sets down her tea, "Not even a snippet."

Stumped by their response, Chkalov turns to me with a pout on her face. I've never known Wisdom Cubes to create kansen like the Tempestas. The other fleet admirals haven't told me anything about it, at least. These could very well be prototypes of the first kansen, with Wisdom Cubes being tested on summoning sail ships so that they wouldn't mess up with proper warships like Bismarck. If that were the case, there would've been some record of experimentation with them, and the Tempestas would have memories of those interactions.

"Does 'Azur Lane' or 'Crimson Axis' ring a bell to you all?" I question.

They shake their heads, and Golden Hind adds, "We didn't realize a war was going on, only that the 'Sirens' would attack us on sight. Is that what they're called? Sirens?"

"It's what humanity calls them, yes," I nod, finishing my tea before it can get any colder, "They might call themselves something different, but they haven't had a clear mind to say so."

Tirpitz steps forward from the bulkhead leading to my quarters, "I believe we should address the elephant in the room and ask if Sirens made them."

A majority of the Tempestas take offense, Royal Fortune and Galley rising from their seats before Wales huffs at them, "I am not being funny, but do not get chopsy with us. Be thankful Commander had the insight to hold our fire."

Only riling the Tempestas up even more, I push myself onto my feet, "Everyone, be quiet for a second!" Galley grunts in contempt, but they let me sigh, "Chkalov, you've been running tests on the Black Cubes, haven't you? Did you test their buoyancy?"

"I have," she answers, "They sink like a rock. It is no wonder we have not been able to find any."

Bismarck questions me in German, "You have a Black Cube? Why did you not tell me?"

Rossiya scoffs at our language exchange when I reply, "You speak Russian?"

"You are not the only one who is multilingual," she says, "Who else knows about this?"

"This is all on a need-to-know basis, Bismarck. Only the original Azur Lane faction leaders and the kansen that Soyuz trusts have heard of it," I pause, knowing everyone's listening to our every word in silence, "To be frank, I figured I'd keep it to myself after the whole Midway thing. You understand, right?"

Hymn From the High Seas (Azur Lane x Commander Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now