A New Page

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Author's Note: Just a heads up: I have changed the story a bit. In the book, kansen were previously noted as heroes in the eyes of civilians. However, I am going to alter that fact. Instead, kansen are seen as potential threats to humanity due to their relation to the Sirens. The very idea that they are weapons of mass destruction with individuality and personal values is concerning to many throughout the world, especially those in power. As a result, humanity largely fears and looks down upon kansen just as they fear something as powerful as the atom bomb


I check the time on the digital clock beside my bed once again, clicking my tongue when I read 2:26 AM. Time seems to have come to a stop; no matter how many times I eye the clock, it feels like it ticks slower and slower. I change sleeping positions and close my eyes for the umpteenth time.

When darkness chases my sight away, I roll into another position. Just when my body relaxes, my mind wanders back to the possibility that I might not wake up here again. After all, if I can land here without explanation, I can also be ripped from this world. I open my eyes again and stare at the ceiling, then moving on to the window and its curtains flowing over the gentle night air that enters. I check the clock again – 2:26 AM. Maybe I should talk to Enty.

In a lonely daze, I get out of bed and shut the balcony door, making the curtains fall still. Even though the dorms were completed, Enty never moved out, so she should still be in the guest room. Though, it'll be weird to wake her up at this hour, especially over petty anxiety.

After reconsidering, I decide to continue, leaving the bedroom and entering the wide space of my living quarters. The moonlight shines in through the glass of the balcony door, casting long shadows over the kitchen and living room. There's always someone here – be it Sirius or Enty – and having no one present makes it all the more lonely. I tip-toe over to the front door and enter the hallway before walking down to Enty's room.

I crack open the door and see her sleeping inside, "Enty?"

"Hmph?" she rolls over, rubbing her eyes when she sees me, "(Y/N)?"

Completely embarrassed, I step inside and lean against the door frame, "Is it alright if I... sleep here?"

She sits up, "Why? What's wrong?"

My throat closes up at how calming her voice is, "Well... Nevermind," I step into the hallway, "Maybe I'm overthinking things."

"No, come here," I hear her swish aside the bedsheets for me.

Sheepishly, I lay down next to her, almost ashamed of myself, "Sorry for waking you up."

"A night terror kept me awake, anyway," her voice soothes me, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Knowing her open-mindedness, I confess, "I was thinking... what if I went to sleep... and woke up someplace else?"

"You mean your home?" Enty asks, her voice a little louder as she turns her head to me.

I shift under the blanket, "It's... hard to explain. At first, I would've given anything to go home, but – after spending so much time here with you – I'm afraid to go back. This island, this life, and these people... it's like paradise. It feels like there's meaning to life, now. Like there's a purpose for me."

Enty's hand finds mine, "I believe you're overthinking everything. You're still not used to living here, I know–"

"Maybe I am, Enty, but..." I look at the wall beside us.

The sheets rustle as Enty rolls over and hugs me, her smooth skin rubbing against my own, "Are you really afraid of that?"

I put one of my arms around her, "Yeah..."

Hymn From the High Seas (Azur Lane x Commander Male Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon