"Collision with Piastri and Sainz taking them out of the race, DNF for both," Isabella radioed. Leah passed the two cars as they were both off into the barriers. "Both are fine. You are P11 now." Leah waited for the right moment on a straight to overtake Valterri. She used her DRS and was able to almost weave through the drivers. She took the inside of Stroll around a corner putting her in P7 now. "Keep working, there is a DRS train in front of you now. You may have to stay for a bit."

"Nope," Leah laughed a little as she got behind the DRS train. It was just Alonso, Russel, and Norris.

"Leah, where are you?" Max laughed a little.

"More importantly, where are you? Am I going to pass you once I get past this DRS train?" She asked as she went back and forth waiting for an opportunity to slip past the people.

"No,  I am already in third," He laughed as he said it.

"Damn, only P3, that sucks," Leah scoffed as she got past Alonso.

"Shut the fuck up, your P7-,"

"P6 now, how angry do you think people will get when they realize that we will still win from anywhere on the grid?" Leah asked as she laughed a little bit.

"They're going to be pissed Leah, now get up here, I wanna use our new radios," Max added as he pressed the button disconnecting their radios. Leah followed behind the two other cars in front of her waiting for Russel to try and overtake Lando. She watched him go to the outside and slid up not allowing him to retake his spot as she slid around the inside while Lando took them toward the outside almost pushing Russel off the track.

"Did you do that on purpose?" Leah asked as she connected Lando and her radios.

"Oh damn it, I was supposed to defend you," Lando sighed as he realized Leah took off. He watched her car disappear.

"Sorry Love, but you've got to defend against Russel now, you are doing great though, I love you," Leah smiled as she disconnected their radios.

"Are you up here yet?" Max asked.

"God it's like I'm a telephone just always online for anyone to drop in," Leah whispered to herself.

"Yeah, well you were the one to connect our radios, so get up here," Max argued. He was now in P2 behind Leclerc. "Also good luck when you make your way up here."

"Give me two laps," Leah radioed back as she hit the button disconnecting their radios.

"Leah, I have been requested to ask you what song you are singing today?" Isabela asked as she watched Leah catch up to Lewis who was trailing Leclerc now.

"So given how shitty this start was, it's not music with words, it's just hard base," Leah sighed as she realized she was going to have to work to get past these two.

"Leah you are P3, now, P3," Isabella radioed.

38 laps down. 6 more to go.

"Leah, I'm bored up here, where are you?" Max asked. The only response he got was laughing. "That is horrifying, why don't you respond properly." Within seconds he saw her car go past him. "Oh, you fucker."

"And there you have it everyone Guessey and Verstappen are now at the front of the race with only a few more laps to go, they've fought hard and come through. Leah Guessey leads for now, but I doubt Verstappen will allow her to take this win," Ted explained as the two Red Bulls went side to side with one another on a turn.

"What's odd about their partnership, is that they are competitive with one another, but not too competitive, they do not threaten the other race, they simply push one another to do better, to be better, Chrisitain Horner is either a genius for matching the pair up or an extremely lucky man," John explained as the cars went flying around the track for the last few laps.

Mind of Steel | Part two | L.N.Where stories live. Discover now