"Not really all guests of Kelly, Daniel, or Penelope," Max laughed as he looked over to Leah.

"Penelope and I are tight like that," Leah smiled as she held up her crossed fingers. "I've babysat her a few times while Kelly and Max go out on dates and I would like to say that I am her favorite."

"We know that's a lie," Daniel shook his head, but Max shrugged.

"I don't know, P likes to talk about Leah a lot, but enough about Penelope, I like to keep those matters private," Max argued as he let his microphone rest against his chest. They finished up finally asking Pierre, Carlos, and Oscar a few questions. 

"Alright well so far that is all we have for you all, thank you so much for joining us today, we will be checking in later with the last group for today." The group all stood up and walked out in a line together. Once they got to the doors though Leah hid under Daniel's umbrella as he opened it. They walked out and it was lightly raining which made Leah laugh a little. Max walked toward their paddock without any issues, he didn't mind the rain either and it was so light it would barely dampen his clothes. Leah stepped out from under the umbrella and did a little twirl.

"Don't make me go get Lando once again to drag you inside from the rain," Oscar pointed out as he hid under his own umbrella.

"Get him if you want, but I'm fine, it's not even raining that hard," Leah put her arms out at her sides as she walked a little farther. She saw Lando talking with Carlos ahead of her. She watched him laugh and move closer to Carlos. Someone suddenly took her arm.

"How are you doing?" Isabella asked as she rested her head on Leah's shoulder.

"I'm doing great," Leah smiled at her. "Our men look coupley don't you think?"

"I do, but they've always had their little bromance," Isabella sighed as she turned and hugged Leah.

"What is this for?" Leah asked as she hugged Isabella back.

"Nothing, I just know that sometimes I just want a hug even though I won't ask for it and I decided that I was going to hunt you down and give you one," Isabella explained as they held onto one another. She was right though Leah needed a hug. She didn't know why, but she just wanted someone to hold her for a while and Lando was busy so she didn't want to both him. "I love you."

"I love you too Iz," Leah breathed as she closed her eyes for a few moments letting the cool rain settle on her skin.

"Are you both, alright?" Lando asked as he approached the two. He had seen them hug and not let go and wanted to make sure that they both were alright.

"We are fine, I just wanted to steal your wife before you could talk to her," Isabella laughed as he released Leah. Leah tucked her hair behind her ears as she blinked a few times. The rain had made her eyelashes heavy. Lando moved closer to Leah wrapping an arm around her waist so she was pulled close to him.

"You can't decide, can you?" Isabella asked suddenly. Lando furrowed his brows but saw Isabella rub her chin. "If you want facial hair or not."

"Not exactly," Lando chuckled as he rubbed his jaw. "I was testing it out at first and Leah made me shave the first time."

"Woah, don't blame me, you kept asking if it was okay, so I just said to shave it off since you can grow facial hair easily now, it would grow back fast if you missed it. I will admit though," She turned more toward him giving him a big smile. "It's growing on me."

"It makes him look older, I thought it was just for him to take on the older brother look now that Oscar has the baby face of Mclaren," Isabella laughed as she hooked arms with Carlos. He kissed her forehead.

Mind of Steel | Part two | L.N.Where stories live. Discover now