o29. serious girl talk

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MAEVE WAS SITTING ON HER bed, casually scrolling through her phone when she heard a knock at the door. "come in!" her voice was quiet and slightly raspy, seeing as it was her last show in la that night. she would have sound check in an hour or so, then eat late lunch, then it would be her final show. the group had decided to go out to dinner that night, which made her all the more excited.

olivia entered the room, a smile on her face, "i think we need to have serious girl talk." maeve tilted her head, "serious girl talk? about what? we usually only do that with bea around, but she's out with conan and jenna today." olivia just sat down next to maeve on the bed, causing maeve to sit up. "we need to have a girl talk," olivia looked at her best friend. "and i think you know what it's about."

"i don't, though?" maeve furrowed her brows, opening her phone to check the time. "will this take ages? i gotta go soon." olivia sighed, "look at who's your lock screen and you'll know who this is about." maeve looked down at her lock screen, a picture of her and jack from the other day after a show. he had come into her dressing room, like always, but he may have been a little tipsy and forced them to take mirror selfies. hence, the photo of her and jack with his arms wrapped around her waist, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

maeve smiled at the memory, "is this about jack?" olivia nodded, taking maeve's song writing notebook and flipped to the most current page, "and the fact you wrote a song about the night he confessed his feelings for you months ago. i noticed that you weren't sleeping one night, so i went into the kitchen, where you were. when you got up while talking to me, i might've snooped." maeve's jaw dropped, "you little sneaky bitch! you looked so suspicious, how did i not know?"

olivia shrugged, closing the book and passing it to maeve, "i've also heard you singing it to yourself at four am, you know, i live in the room next door. but that's besides the point, it's called you are in love. you are so in love with him!" maeve's eyes widened at the proclamation, "no i'm not." olivia shot her a look of are you dumb?, causing maeve to realize that was not the answer she wanted. "okay, maybe i am. but he wouldn't feel the same, we're just friends now, and i'm okay with that," maeve ignored the fact that her heart broke at the idea jack might not feel the same.

olivia flicked her friends head, "he feels the same, dumbass. you should sing that tonight, it would be amazing." maeve decided to change the subject, "yeah sure okay. where's audrey? she, like, is never here." olivia rolled her eyes, "she's been staying with a friend the past two days because she always leaves the after party early. but since there's a dinner tonight, you and her will have to share a bed tonight. plus, you should know, she's your sister."

"i did know, i just wanted to change the subject. the song isn't even finished yet, it's awful," maeve shrugged, thinking what she was saying was the truth. olivia's jaw dropped, "maeve! it's so good, i've heard you singing it! it actually is so beautiful. you need to sing tonight in honor of your last show. please?"

     maeve rolled her eyes at her friend before engulfing her in a hug, "fine. but if he rejects me because of you, i'll actually commit a crime." olivia laughed, "he won't. i know things you don't, silly. now go to sound check, please. i love you!" olivia pulled away, maeve yelling a quick 'i love you' before rushing out the door.

she used olivia's car, like she had been since olivia could get rides, and immediately put on her playlist dedicated to taylor swift, as always. she avoided singing along to most songs, the only song she sang was call it what you want, because who wouldn't? once she arrived at sound check, she ran a few songs. she spoke to the sound people with her manager, "i kinda wanna perform a new song tonight."

her manager looked over at her, "did you write it recently?" maeve nodded, "i may have been pulling a few tiny all nighters, don't kill me! i've had a lot on my mind. it's called you are in love. i love it, and i think you guys would too if you'd hear it." her manager, katherine, shook her head with an endearing look on her face, "alright, check with these guys about that."

she explained to them how she had wanted to play it, acoustically with her keyboard. she ran the song a few times, making sure it was perfect, before running back to her dressing room to order a salad to the venue.

as maeve sat alone in her dressing room, happy her friends decided this was the one show they would stay in the audience until after because 'they all had gifts', she thought about how tonight would go. there was two ways, the way she hoped for and the way she knew it would go. she'd hoped jack would admit he felt the same way, very clearly knowing the song was about him. he would kiss her, tell her he was in love with her and she could finally be happy with him.

or he could admit that he only saw her as a friend, and she'd hate herself forever for ever believing he would feel differently. jack was like her son, and the overwhelming thought of her losing him again made her feel sick.




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maevebug last soundcheck❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 eternally grateful for the experienced i've had in the past month :(. i love you and i cannot wait to see you all later!
ps. surprise later ;)

jackchampion what's the surprise
maevebug  jackchampion not anything for you to know

username that is jacks sweatshirt. THAT IS HIS SWEATSHIRT HELLO


lianaliberato masonthegooding How are you actually an idiot!
jackchampion lianaliberato HA

taylorswift Never been more proud of you❤️
maevebug taylorswift i love you so much taylor
taylorswift maevebug I love you!

audreygilmore i've missed every soundcheck because i hate you 🤕
maevebug audreygilmore i hope you get hurt

maeve aka taylor swift discography

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