o28. friends hang out

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my j💟

my evie💐

i don't know what to do

it's one of my only free

i'm unbearably bored

my j💟

you should rest love

you need it

you've been singing for
four days straight and then
getting a bit tipsy

you come first girl

my evie💐
i could write more music

should i write more music

should i sit in this room in
olivia's house alone

and write music

my j💟

my evie💐
what if it's not about

my j💟
not possible

i'm your muse

my evie💐
that's only because id do
whatever you want

ooo that's kinda good i
should write that down

writing music is hard

i need to do something

my j💟

not date. friends hangout

alone just us two

my evie💐
you're cute

yes of course

why would i ever say no

friends hang out

all the time

even exes

my j💟
yes exes do what we do
all the time

healthy break ups

my evie💐
i'm going to get ready before
we say worse things that
do not help our case

3 ??

my j💟
no getting ready be comfy
i meant it when i said you
need rest

i'll go over to wherever you
are and we can watch a movie
or something

my evie💐
you are literally an angel

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