o14. just see you later

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THE DRIVE TO THE AIRPORT was depressing, quiet, and awful. they had been dreading this moment, jack going home and leaving maeve behind. although, he wasn't leaving her behind, because he would text her everyday and call her; hell, given the chance he'd drive to see her whenever she wanted him to.

maeve knew that, deep down she did, anyway. no matter how many times he told her, how many times she convinced herself she believed him, she knew in the end him leaving now meant he could be gone forever. maeve was too much, she was a package of issues no one except herself should have to deal with. who was she to ask for someone like jack to do more? she didn't deserve him, even an idiot knew that.

she knew she was being dramatic, to an extent, but it's how she worked. any relationship would make her believe she needed to prepare for doom, prepare for the worse that could happen. in this relationship, the worse that could happen was not only losing jack, but herself. and that terrified her.

jack looked over at the girl driving the car, seemingly on autopilot, "mae?" maeve blinked, realizing she was about to drive past the exit to the airport, "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to space out." jack laughed quietly, "why are you apologizing?"

"i'm not sure," maeve shrugged. "i'm just sorry, that's all." jack furrowed his eyebrows, "well, don't be; it's a sad day, if i was driving for over an hour, i would be spaced out too, love." maeve blushed at the use of the word love, his voice making her ignore all the thoughts in her brain. the only thing in her head, for lack of better wording, was a hamster running on wheel repeating jack, jack, jack.

maeve turned into the terminal, parking the car in the temporary parking lane. her heart broke every movement she made, as she opened her door to walk to the sidewalk, as she looked over at the people walking into the airport. she looked around, making sure there was no paparazzi waiting for them— they had gone this far without getting noticed, they wanted to keep it that way.

jack noticed the way she was moving slowly, as if it would delay him leaving. he would stay, if she asked. he would do anything she asked him to, even if it meant never going home again. if it meant he got maeve everyday, at her worst and at her best, he'd stay. but then again, he knew that wouldn't be for the best. he knew he needed to leave, but he wasn't leaving her. he was just going home, but even that scared him. what if the non exclusive-exclusive-relation-situationship ends right here, right now? what if now that they've kissed, gotten the chance to be with each other in a more than friends way, not having that is their downfall? he would drive all night if she'd asked, he'd be the best she'd ever had.

maeve broke the boy out of his train of thought that seemingly lasted minutes, when it was only a few seconds, when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "i'm gonna miss you, pretty boy," maeve pressed a kiss to his neck, jack scrunching his nose as he wrapped his arms around her waist. he breathed in her scent, she still smelt like coconut, "i'm gonna miss you, too, my evie. but, this won't be the last time we'll see each other, i'm free in a month or two, and if you have time you can come see me. i'll talk to you everyday."

maeve pulled away from the hug, causing jack to rest his hands on her waist, falling into the familiar habit of rubbing his thumbs up and down. she placed her hands on either side of his face, jack interrupting her before she could say anything, "i'll stay."

"what?" maeve tilted her head, confused. "i'll stay," he repeated, somehow sounding weak. "i know it's stupid, like, we are acting like we're never gonna see each other again. i just— maeve, i really like you. i'm just, fuck sorry. i don't know how to say this? i'm a bit worried that now we know that being away from each other is gonna be harder, and you'll get sick of me and find someone else. i mean, you haven't known me that long, and—"

maeve kissed him, jack was shocked but kissed back. they hadn't kissed since their first, not after they decided to just be what they were. maeve felt jack smile into the kiss before she pulled away, "i don't care how long i've known you. absence makes the heart grow fonder? i don't fucking know! we can get to know each other, tell each other about our days. nothing has to change, nothing will change. we're still us, even a few miles away. we've been away from each other before, we can do it again."

jack smiled at his girl, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "so, with that dramatic note, i'll see you later. not goodbye, just see you later." jack believed every word maeve said, anything she said was his religion. he would follow whatever she told him to, she had that power over him.

maeve placed her hands atop of his, still on her waist, "see you later, then, champ. i adore you." jack pulled her in for a hug, "i adore you."

as maeve drove away, she wished she believed what she had said herself. she couldn't push away the feeling that this wasn't going to go the way she wanted it to. it never did, not for maeve. never for maeve juniper gilmore.

few more fillers till act two
most likely :)))

after this book i have ANOTHER
jack book already in the works!

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