o25. i'm sorry

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WHEN MAEVE OPENED THAT DOOR, the world had almost stopped. she had wanted to kiss him, because god did he look good, but that wasn't meant for right now. right now, she had to apologized. "hi," maeve stepped outside of the building, the wind making her hair and bow lift ever so slightly.

     jack smiled softly, "hi, maeve." he admired the girl he had missed, realizing that she had somehow gotten more beautiful, if that was possible. it was like she was glowing, the stage was her element. singing was the reason she lived and breathed, and he admired that about her.

     "thank god you're here— that wasn't supposed to come out," maeve quickly covered her mouth, blushing slightly at the way jack laughed. "why thank god? i thought i texted audrey," jack tilted his head slightly. maeve furrowed her brows, "you texted my sister?"

     "yeah? i thought she would've told you?" jack ran a hand through his hair. "did she send you here under the pretense i wouldn't have been here?" maeve shook her head, "this is not what we need to talk about, jack."

     jack nodded, preparing in his brain what to say. "i'm sorry," maeve crossed her arms in front of her, the wind getting a bit colder since it was dark out. the only light surround them was the street lights, and jack wouldn't be lying when he said the way she scrunched her nose at the cold wasn't the best thing he'd seen in a month.

     jack took a deep breath, but maeve interrupted him, "let me finish." jack nodded for her to continue, watching her every move. "i shouldn't have hurt you the way i did, and i shouldn't have texted you when i did. you have every right to hate me, you have every right to never want to see my face again after this—," maeve watched as jack opened his mouth to speak.

     "i could never hate you," jack spoke softly, his face showing a slight frown. maeve looked down, "but you had every right to." she looked back up, meeting his eyes. "besides that, i'm just so sorry. i couldn't have done worse than what i did, i didn't tell you how i felt and i didn't let you even say anything. you didn't do anything, and every time i've said that, i've meant it."

      "jack, you were the best person i could've ever asked for. you still are. i miss my best friend, and although it was my fault we ended the way we did, i wish you would've talked to me," maeve stepped closer to him, jack knowing this was his cue to talk. "i wish i did too, mae," maeve's heart broke at the use of the nickname. she held back the urge to hug him at the hurt in his voice.

     he took a deep breath, "i'm sorry too. and don't tell me to not apologize, i know i should be sorry. i should've done something, fought for us. if i had known you weren't doing well earlier, i think i could've saved us." maeve watched as a tear slipped down jack's face, immediately hugging him.

     maeve wrapped her arms around his waist, jack just standing with his arms by his side, taken aback by the hug. once the initial shock went away, he hugged back. he snaked his arms around her shoulders, resting his head on hers while crouching down slightly. he hid his face in her neck, a familiar rush of feelings coming back to the both of them.

     maeve ran her hand up and down jack's back, the other going to cradle his head, "i'm so sorry, j. i should've told you earlier, i should've let you know." jack took a deep breath for what felt like the millionth time, her familiar scent filling his senses. she still smelt like coconut. "stop apologizing," his voice was muffled but sounded like the same old jack she had, the one who used to use her as a pillow. the same jack who refused to leave her side, the one she left because she loved him so much she had to run.

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