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Not a good idea. Not a good idea. As Hero led us feverishly toward the front doors, I stilled. Several things were wrong with this scenario: First was the fact that me and a few other women (Hopefully) planned to stick it to Tiffin in court. Wouldn't doing anything with him constitute to fucking the enemy? 

"Please, no." 

The brash tattooed bad boy I'd come to love so much raised an eyebrow in consternation. Right. Probably sounded like an idiot right about now. Lure him then deny the guy any sort of payment. Cruel. Especially as his erect member stabbed into my stomach. 

"Well, I mean... This wouldn't be right." 

He shook his head, swaying with the effects of alcohol still in his system. 

"Stop overthinking this. You want it, I want it.  Things could go back to how they were before. Just can't do anything alone anymore." 

I caught the barest glimpse of a tear escaping his eyes. 

"Don't know how we could. You hurt me badly. Countless times over the years. Then made a mockery of your wife publicly-" 

Hero sucked in a breath, taking hold of my trembling hands. 

"We'll try like always. Listen, Kristina, baby. I fucked up. Majorly. Didn't realize what got into me. I was so mad-" 

God. Not the insistent blaming again! 


"No, listen. Want to make it clear that it wasn't an excuse despite anger taking over every piece of my being. Made one split-second decision and it may forever marr your perception of me. After drinking- really drinking- Deidre made moves on me-" 

No. I couldn't hear anymore. Shoving a hand to his chest I gripped hard muscle. 

"Of all the things you could have done... I would have never..." 

Never would have dreamed he'd stoop that low. Gathering us close again, my dear poor husband hugged without any intention of letting go. 

"I know, I know. Can't tell you how fucking sorry I am. It was insane. That woman is insane. While unraveling under her hands, it became clear how damaged I am. That what she was doing was wrong. That this time around, somehow things felt worse." 

God. Even though hearing vague descriptions of what that molester did... Feeling utterly sick from its explanation... I couldn't but grieve for my broken boy. Had I been too rash to judge him? Oh no. I had. Oh, this was all so confusing. 

"How so?"

Did I really want to find out? melding me tighter, Hero continued:

"I had no idea what occurred at the end of the day, Kristina. I was so piss-ass drunk... Most of the time all I saw was you. But... I was her slave essentially. She pushed alcohol into my hands even when it became too strong." 

That bitch. There were places for people like her. Places that even the worst inmates didn't belong in. 

"I love you, Hero-Fiennes-Tiffin." 

Was this true? Oh, of course it was. 

"Love you too. All I want is to escape that vile beast. Be free of her clutches. Reunite with my real family and leave everything behind." 

I burrowed into his mint-scented shirt. 

"It won't be so simple. There are bridges to cross. Things to mend. My mother isn't exactly your biggest fan." 

Pulling away, he attempted to smile. How could he be resisted with charming looks like that? 

"Figured. I promise she'll never be a part of our lives again. Just know- every word on those morning shows I spouted- It wasn't me. Never will be. Trust in us again." 

As I nodded, I realized how complicated my world was now. Not only did this plan of screwing him over need to dissipate but everyone would be questioning said judgement. Then we also had to rectify his ever pounding shaft. 

Y'all sorry. We are back to the recycled behavior but hey. That's what Hero and Kristina do best 😭😭

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