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Sorry about the short chapters. On a roll here :)))


"Don't even think about running after him."

Grunts from Mr. McDonald were audible amid my mother's orders.

Don't run after him?

Was the need to have the man near that obvious? God. Was it my fault that there just wasn't another specimen out there that understood me?

He was it. Nothing could be done about it.

"It's for the good of your baby's well-being that Hero remains outside tonight."

For some reason, Emma's incessant squabbling hit my last nerve.

"Okay, mom! I get it!"

The room went deathly silent making way for an eerie ambience.

"I'm sorry... Everything is just beginning to be too much."

Like the nurturing woman she was, Emma gathered me in her arms, cradling Eleanor to her side.

"Come here, sweety. I know. It's all so difficult. You don't have to put up with all this drama."


"Excuse me?"

"Drama. Not exactly a secret he disappeared off the face of the planet mere months ago."

Okay. Not this stupid crap.

"Emma... Mother... Know you and dad don't get it, but he had good reason to believe I'd be safer without him near."

She shook her head in disbelief.

"Kristina... We gave him the benefit of the doubt up until the birth of Eleanor. Listen... When Hero returned, behaviors turned sour rather quickly. Never waned."

But what about his love shown at the plaza? That had to mean something right.

Of course out of anything in the world, she hadn't pointed out his loving nature.

It was buried deep down. Just needed to bring it to the fore-front.

Diedre however...

To make matters even worse, Billy made his way over to our private affair.

Hands smoothed down velvet apparel though it didn't help the disheveled appearance.

Cuts and blood marred full lips.

"This may not be any of my business, Mrs. Tiffin, but he has quite the temper. Sure there isn't violence in your marriage?"

I frowned at his insinuation.

"No. Never. There have been several disagreements but..."

But what? There has been fighting... Cheating... Jealousy patterns... Then fucking to stitch it all back together.


We were toxic.

As if he understood my dilemma, Billy McDonald nodded.

"Thought so. Kristina... After hearing the declaration tonight, your mother summoned me. She cares about you. Truly. May not be a wiz in relationship counseling but I do know someone who loves another would never use sex tapes as collateral."


No one ever said anything about that.

"But don't take my word for it. Use a few days to stew over this. How has he made you feel. Anything prominent popped up more than once?"

Now this struck a chord.

After much trepidation, I relented.

"Yes, actually. His grandmother. Diedre."

Stepping aside, Emma gasped.

"That callous woman? What's she have to do with marital issues?"

I closed my eyes trying to dispel tears though it was futile.

"Everything, mom. She never goes away. Whenever her voice calls for Hero... Oh... Mr. McDonald."

My feet pattered to his side.

"There is history with this woman sexually abusing him as a child. She is a dangerous woman and recently got out on bail. Don't need her anywhere near my family."

Billy paused to survey me closely.

"And does Mr. Tiffin know of her intentions whatever those may be?"

Know of?

"Billy... I can call you that? Well, he has an attachment to her. Like glue. If we can somehow indict her..."

"Mrs. Tiffin. Change can only happen if the other party deems it so. I may be able to charge her with rape of a minor with enough proof, but he may retaliate."

Gulping loudly I tipped my head.

"So be it."

After a beat, Emma interrupted.

"Just what is Hero doing letting that woman into his life again? After everything?"

"Mom. You might want to sit down."

What a long night it was going to be.

Oh the drama.

Who will Hero choose?

Btw how cute is Eleanor.

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