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There was no point in trying to work out specifics with transportation. Far as the matter was concerned, Hero could figure out his own way. 

Pulling out my phone and scheduling the closest Uber, thoughts rattled around, creating horrible anxiety. 

Why was Diedre there? 

Especially after the public gesture mere weeks ago, it had seemed the lies had ended.

Apparently not.

How long had their communication been going on for?

Since the display in town?

Maybe the debacle at the park?

Who knew what the truth was?

He had no intention of letting go and the realization we hadn't made the attempt at another shrink session was stifling.

Our issues began there.

No matter...

This would not stand.

The exact statement had been said several times over the years, but a child was in the mix.

Something had to give. 

As my Uber took off, the driver tried to initiate conversation, but went ignored.

It was rude, but couldn't be helped: what was to be done about this marriage? 

There were red flags to go by: right after we made our vows, Hero skipped town.

Granted, he did it for good reason to protect me and our unborn child, but when it was all said and done the behavior still hadn't changed. 

As for the sex tape, I'd tried to move past it, but how much of our life was going to be entwined with it only to cause family and friends pain?

Before long, the car screeched to a halt, easing the strain in my heart. The little girl asleep in her crib was what kept me going.

Hopefully, the babysitter found her way around.

What was left in my mind was preparation for the new dilemma that had recently sprouted. 



Emma stood in the center of the living room, cradling Eleanor tightly. It was a rare moment, but bewildering.

Hadn't she been with the others on the dance floor? 

How had she beaten me across town? 

"Shh, dear... Ellie just fell asleep." 

Ignoring the suggestion, I hurried forward. 

"We were at the wedding... How...?" 

This made her laugh, continuing to rock the sweet newborn with a lullaby I'd never heard before. 

"Was there for awhile. Left after those... Young girls made a ruckus onstage. Figured I'd come and take a breather- give that teenager you hired some rest. Poor thing. Eleanor was tugging her hair upon arrival." 

Oh, yes. Little Ellie liked to do that a lot.

It was so cute, but had to be dealt with sooner or later. For now though, it was nice to observe. 

"She's a basket case all right, but I love the beast." 

Pressing a kiss to Eleanor's forehead, Emma settled her onto the sofa amid a collection of pillows.

It was such a simple set up. Barely stirred worry that she'd fall over the edge.

My mother's attention shifted, eyes narrowed.

"Honey.... That confession we all heard in the ballroom... Was it true?" 

I casted my eyes toward the floor, unwilling to be brave. 

"Mom... All that is in the past... But... I'll be honest: it's affecting life. Just want it to go away." 

Emma shook her head in disbelief. 

"I love Hero like a son... But if he's causing this strain with your daughter around... It's not a healthy environment."

This made my eyes water. 

"I know mom.... I know. I just love him and want to do the right thing-" 

Trailing off, sobs wracked my body. With shakes ensuing, she rushed towards me, offering a warm embrace.

Emma cooed for a few minutes until the storm died down.

"It's alright, sweetheart. Everything is going to fine. After hearing about that dreadful tape, I brought over a friend to help with matters." 


Before much more could be said, the front door opened revealing a man that was more handsome than I could have thought. 

Cue evil music lmao

Hope you're all enjoying.

Who might this mystery man be???

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