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Sincerely sorry to all my readers for the crazy delay all these months :( been through a lot lately but I'm here now!!


The calamity was immediate; as Billy fell onto his back, Emma rushed towards Eleanor to make sure she hadn't raised a fuss.

Expected her to have slept through it all, but was shocked to find the newborn squirming and crying amidst her screaming father:


With more speed than my legs could have carried on a good day, I attempted to calm Hero, but to no avail.

"Honey... Please..."


Who was this man?

Completely unrecognizable.

What had changed?

"Honey?" He spat. "Really? After I've just caught you shacking it up with this wannabe stock broker? Fuck off!"

This caused me to splutter in disbelief.

"You're acting insane right now! Think of our little girl... She's so frightened."

Even as we spoke, Eleanor sobbed into Emma's chest, attempted to paw at the dangling necklace.

Poor thing.

"Why is it any of my damned concern? Never wanted the kid in the first place! Doubt she's even mine!"

Not this again.

What happened to my kind, caring husband that had wanted to make amends?

The man that took so much time to honor the small family he'd been blessed with upon returning?


From the couch, Emma gasped but that wasn't a top priority at the moment.

Eleanor was.

With importance in my expression, I began to speak:

"You know what, Hero? I'm sick of you taking anger out on that little girl. Want to hash it out on me? Fine. But not her. Ever."

A pregnant pause.

"That. Is. Your. Daughter. Who loves unconditionally. Even after all the vitriol you've managed to spew... She begs for attention. I want you out."

At this request, Hero's eyes widened incredulously.


Ever the protective mama bear, Emma rushed to my side.

"Take a breather, mister. Leave or I'll have you escorted out by police."

After some more silence, he surveyed the area as if for viable excuses.

There were none.

"Seriously? This is my home. Paid in full by Tiffin money."

God. That stung.

Even now the asshole was insinuating that I was no longer a part of family ties.

Including sweet, unsuspecting Eleanor.

Really... How long would this charade commence. It had been going on for years and not once had he made change.


We'd taken breaks from each other and had severe attachment issues but that didn't mean separating wasn't for the best.

Was this what all that drama from Chico State led to now?

The inevitable end?

My mother, however, wasn't about to let the abuse slide.

"Kristina is a Tiffin. Made that decision when you married her and even left the state. If that's too much to bear... Then perhaps it's time to exit out of the picture."


I didn't want that. He was still a husband and father and had love deep inside.

But what if it was what he wanted.

Or needed.

Aiming a weak frown at us both, Hero nodded.

"Fine. Understood. Sure I'll find a place to sleep tonight."

As he vacated the premises I couldn't help but wonder:

That place would be Diedre's, right?

Where do you think he's headed for the night?

Will they mend things?

Only time will tell 😂💗

TIFFIN 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora