Chapter 19

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Jordan's pov
After school Alex and Declan came over to our apartment so Declan and Rose could play together and we all waited to see if anyone would actually show up. Declan and Rose were already little when everyone arrived.

First to come was Kiki and of course she came with cute hair clips and cute sippy cups. Right away she went and helped them make up a fun game to play. They started playing hide and seek and Kiki was the seeker every time.

Next to come was Rebecca, to my surprise she wasn't with zach. She saw Rose playing with Declan and Kiki and smiled at them. She didn't say much, I don't think she was fully comfortable with me yet.

Then finally after thinking he wouldn't show up zach turned up. "Zachawry!" I heard Rose scream in excitement. He was the number one person who she wanted to show up. I'll be honest their relationship did make me jealous at time like right now when she gets excited to see him. but I know it's only because their childhood friend and I know that she loves me so I ignore it.

She ran up to him instinctively he hugged her and picked her up into his arms. "Hey there little Rose" zach said unsure how to talk to her as he could tell she was regressed. He looked kind of uncomfortable so I walked over and took Rose from his arms. "No dada I want zachy" she tried to fight out of my arms but was failing. "No baby you got to stay with daddy right now." I told her hoping she'll listen to me. "Fine" she pouted and wrapped he legs and arms around me as we all moved to sit in the living room to talk more.

Alex called Declan to come sit with him and Kiki finally got a break from playing with them. Me and Alex tried to explain more to them about age regression and being a caregiver and what they could do if Rose or Declan age regress around them. As I was explaining Rose was too little to even know what was going on. The whole time she was playing with my necklace and wiggling her toes. Declan looked like he knew what was happening and shined in from time to time even if it was only a word or two.

After we were all done talking we agreed on them staying for dinner that I was planning on making just for us 4 but I guess not anymore. "Alex watch her" I told Alex as I placed Rose off my lap onto the couch next to Alex. I went to go start making the dinner and at this moment if I'm not watching her I only really trust Alex right now.

When everything was ready I walked back into the living room and called everyone to come eat. I already had a plate made up for Declan and Rose on kiddy plates with kiddy utensils, as well as 2 sippy cups with juice in them. I put their plates down at the table and sat them both down as Alex went and made his own plate up. I could feel some eyes on me while I was feeding Rose but her cute expressions as she ate made it all okay. I know it will take them all awhile to adjust and understand it, it took me awhile.

After dinner Rose and Declan went off playing. Rose took out all her toys and shows him them all as if she was trying to impress him. I think it worked cause Declan looked amazed with every toy she shows him. Everyone started to head home. I brought Rose to her room and got her changed into her pjs then brought her back to my room to sleep. Every time she's little she likes to sleep with me or she'll get scared.

Laying in bed I felt a tear drop onto my chest where Rose was curled up on. "What wrong baby?" I jumped up cupping her face. "I miss Declan" she said as more tears started streaming down her face. "Hey hey it's okay you'll see him at school tomorrow and I'll talk to Alex about setting up a play date for you" I wiped her tears "rweally" her eyes lit up. "Yes really I promise you" I said. She lifted out her pink and I interlocked my pinky with her "I pinky promise" I kissed her forehead "now let's go back to sleep" we laid back down and fell asleep.

Through the next couple weeks Rose started having more play dates with Declan, and me and Alex became fast friends. Everyone has been awesome with them while they're little and are not awkward about it anymore. Sometimes Kiki even takes Rose out to go to the park or get ice cream while she's little and zach and Rebecca always come over for there movie night with Rose which I don't even know how that started happening. We all hang out together all the time and Alex and Declan were a perfect fit in our friend group.

One day when we were all together we planned a vacation to Florida and go to Disney, even tho there wasn't a school break, but Andrea was on a break from college and this was the only time we could all go away together. Thank god it was over a long weekend so we'd be missing less school cause if it wasn't Charlie would have never let us go.

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